Wednesday, July 13, 2022

7-13-2022 Devotion: Your Heart

 Proverbs 7: 1: "My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee."  The father echoes Deuteronomy 6 and urges the son to obey his commands, tie them on his fingers, and write them on his heart. The Israelites failed to obey the law of God that had been written down on stone tablets because they needed new hearts. God had not yet granted them new hearts, but he promised that one day he would “circumcise . . . the hearts of [their] descendants” so they could obey. On that day, the Lord would “write [the law] on their hearts”. Solomon instructs his son not to be satisfied with merely obeying his commands but to go even further by internalizing them in his heart. Today, religious Jews actually have elaborate displays of small boxes with Scriptures in them. They wear them on their hands and on their foreheads. All they have is ritual. We as New Testament Christians have had the Holy Spirit write His laws on our hearts. We have no excuse. We know what we are to do. God help us to be obedient to His commands. Keeping the commandments will keep you from sin. If you think about it, to commit sin is to make the decision to tell God He is wrong and you know best. That does not seem like a good plan. Keep His Word in your heart. Guard and protect it.

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