Wednesday, July 27, 2022

7-27-2022 Devotion: Advantages

 Proverbs 14: 26: "In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge." In this verse you are invited and encouraged to live in the fear of God by the advantages which attend a Christian life. Having a fear of the Lord will produce beneficial practices for you and your children. First, where this reigns it produces a holy security and peace of mind. There is in it a strong confidence; it enables a person to hold fast both his purity and his peace, whatever happens, and gives him boldness before God and the world.Second, it includes a blessing upon posterity. The children of those that by faith make God their confidence shall be encouraged by the promise that God will be a God to believers and to their children to run to Him as their refuge, and they shall find shelter in Him. The children of true Christian parents often do the better for their parents’ instructions and example and fare the better for their faith and prayers. The lessons we learn from the Proverbs will not only benefit your life, but the life of your family members as they watch you live your life for the LORD Jesus Christ.

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