Monday, March 13, 2023

2-13-2023 Devotion: Drag

 John 6:44 reads: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." Prepare to be made very uncomfortable. The word translated "draw" is the Greek word helko. Many like to interpret the verse with an idea of the Holy Spirit wooing someone to Christ. Like, "please come to me, I'm waiting for you. I will give you a wonderful life." The problem is that is not the meaning of the Greek word. It actually means to forcibly drag. The same verb is used in Acts 21: 30 when the people dragged (drew) Paul out of the temple. I don't think the people said, "Here, Paul. Please come here." No, they forcibly compelled him to come. The truth expressed in this verse is that the Holy Spirit will compel someone to come to Christ. This is not against the person' will but because the Holy Spirit has applied the truth of God's Word to the sinner's heart. If you have a lost family member or friend that you want to get saved, try a prayer I use: "Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you and plead for you to drag ___________ to the cross. Use force, if necessary, I pray. They won't come on their own so please, Lord, you bring them for your Glory." Note, that God’s drawing does not eliminate the responsibility of man to respond to that calling. More to follow.

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