Wednesday, March 1, 2023

3-1-2023 Devotion: Walking

 Matthew 9: 29: "According to your faith be it done to you." What does this look like in real life? The believer focuses his or her spiritual eye on heavenly delights. This does not require you to go into seclusion. The Christian walks this life not focusing on the glittering objects that seek to draw him away. As Moses focused his eye upon Him that was invisible, a believer should go through the world as a person deep in thought, or on an errand of great importance. He travels the streets looking at nothing, hearing nothing, and considering nothing from the world along the way. His focus is upon the treasures in heaven. Our main intent should be strengthening our faith. Resolve in your heart not to miss one day, with the help of the Holy Spirit to redeem at least 15 minutes twice a day to pray, read and meditate on the Scriptures. In doing this, you will increase your faith and help you live by faith. Living by faith is not something reserved for the super spiritual, it is for all believers. Now, start walking.

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