Thursday, March 16, 2023

3-16-2023 Devotion: Carnal

 1 Corinthians 3: 1: "But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh." Some people have the mistaken theology that there are three types of people in the world: natural (unsaved), carnal (saved but live like they aren't) and the spiritual (saved). They may use this verse to create the category of a carnal. There was a theologian who created the category of "carnal Christian" in 1918 in his writings. He taught that a person could be saved but live like he wasn't and still maintain his salvation. That is unbiblical to the core. If someone has been awakened to their sinful condition through Holy Spirit conviction and been brought to the foot of the cross and in repentance sought to be saved through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, that person has had a transformation into a new way of living. When Christ saves you, you are like a child. There is much to learn, and you will progressively walk on the "highway of holiness." Where you are today is not where you will be in five years. In the verse today, Paul was saying that the Corinthians had not been progressively growing in holiness as they should, so he could not speak to them as mature but as immature. Let it be our desire every day to progressively be conformed to the image of Christ and grow in sanctification and holiness. Every day I pray for my family to "grow in holiness, righteousness and sanctification." I desire the same for you.

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