Thursday, March 23, 2023

3-23-2023 Devotion: Will

 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 reads: "This is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality." So often I hear people ask, "What is the will of God for me?" Generally, I say, "for you to be sanctified." All of God’s Word contains God’s will—both affirmations and prohibitions. Specifically, God’s will includes salvation, self-sacrifice, being Spirit filled, living a life of submission, experiencing suffering, satisfaction, and living in a state of being set apart from sin to holiness. In this context, it means being set apart from sexual impurity in particular. God desires His people to live holy and be separate from the ways and thinking of the world. We live in a world that bombards us with sexual advertising, a distortion of what the true purpose and nature of sex is, and attempts to distort Biblical values at every opportunity it can. We are in a cultural war. Our response should be to focus on our sanctification. We are to live holy lives. Everyday we arise from our sleep, we should affirm our intent and desire to live holy because of what Christ has done for us. "Be holy for I am holy." That is His command. Are you ready to walk on the "highway of holiness?"

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