Wednesday, March 8, 2023

3-8-2023 Devotion: Sent

 John 17: 18-19: "As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world." Our Lord set Himself wholly apart for believers. He took condemnation and gave us justification. He took our agony and gave us victory. He took pain and gave us ease. He took stripes and we got healing. He received vinegar and gall, and we get honey and sweet. He took the curse, and we get the blessings. He received a crown of thorns that we might receive a crown of glory. He took death and we received eternal life. Since the Lord Jesus Christ has wholly set Himself apart for His people, how reasonable it is for believers to set themselves apart for Christ. He left the glories of heaven for us; it is most reasonable that we should dedicate our lives to following and serving Him all the days remaining in our lives. Perhaps you have tried and failed. Maybe you think you have failed too often, and God will not forgive you now. That is a lie! The Lord Jesus Christ will never turn anyone away who comes to Him. Today is a great day to commit your remaining time on earth to follow Him 100%. It is my prayer that you will.

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