Saturday, March 4, 2023

3-4-2023 Devotion: Love from Christ

 Ephesians 3: 19: "And to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." This is not the love believers have for Christ, but the love of and from Christ that He places in their hearts before they can truly and fully love Him or anyone else. This is a Divine act and not a matter of individual will (see Romans 3). Knowledge of Christ’s love is far beyond the capability of human reason and experience. It is beyond our comprehension. It is only known by those who are God’s children, His elect. To be so strong spiritually, so compelled by divine love, that one is totally dominated by the Lord with nothing left of self is God's plan for every believer. Human comprehension of the fullness of God is impossible, because even the most spiritual and wise believer cannot completely grasp the full extent of God’s attributes and characteristics—His power, majesty, wisdom, love, mercy, patience, kindness, and everything He is and does. But believers can experience the greatness of God in their lives as a result of total devotion to Him. That is our daily goal , to experience true love from and for Christ.


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