Tuesday, March 7, 2023

3-7-2023 Devotion: Sin

 Ezekiel 18: 4: "The soul who sins shall die." When a person sins, he chooses sin over God. The soul sins when it receives sin in the heart to embrace it there. God commands His children to not habitually commit sin (1 John 3: 8: "He that practices sin is of the devil...." NASB). There are a number of things the person will do in refusing to let sin go: (1) hide the sin; (2) make excuses for the sin; (3) justifies thew sin by renaming it, e.g., a mistake or accident; (4) bargain with God by promising to put away the sin at some time in the near future; and (5) put part of the sin away but keep a part. This is called, "doing things in the dark." You can guarantee it that if you have to hide something (and you really can't), you probably shouldn't be doing it. The best course of action is to put sin far away from you. Don't go places where you will be tempted to sin. In the morning, commit every day to the Lord. It doesn't need to be a long prayer. You may use this as an example: "Lord, I commit to walk in your ways today. Holy Spirit convict me if I start to do anything that displeases you. Lord, I will resist sin today. I will make a covenant with my eyes not to look at anything impure and I will walk away from any situation that cause me to sin. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

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