Saturday, March 25, 2023

3-25-2023 Devotion: Prayer

 John 17: 17 reads: " Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." Jesus does not pray for the temporal well-being, prosperity, health or wealth of the disciples, but for their sanctification. He desires above all that they should be holy. “Truth” is the means by which holiness is attained. Error and deception are basic to evil, and truth is basic to godliness. Sanctify means to set apart for His purposes. The believer is not of the world; he is set apart. The thought has reference to the task rather than the person; it is a commitment to the task. The believer is set apart by the Word of God. That is, the Word reveals the mind of God. As you read the Word, you are led to set yourself apart for a particular ministry. We can serve Him only as we know His Word and are obedient to it. This is how we are to live; we are to live a sanctified life. This was the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ right before He was arrested and crucified. It was important then and it is important now. It is still the prayer of our Lord.

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