Monday, March 27, 2023

3-27-2023 Devotion: Change

 1 Thessalonians 4: 7 reads: " For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness." A child of God cannot continue to practice sin. The prodigal son may get in the pigpen for a time, but he won’t live in the pigpen. He will get up and return to his father's house. There is no justification (salvation) apart from sanctification. From the moment the child of God is born again, there is an inner spiritual transformation that takes place as well as an outward change in how one lives his or her life. I am mindful of many people I have known over the years and as soon as they truly repented and placed their faith in the shed blood of Christ, they lived different lives. There is an old story of a drunkard named "joe." Every Saturday he would come into town around noon and go straight to the saloon. He would drink all day and go home drunk to his wife and children. Joe attended an evangelistic tent meeting, and he went forward to be saved. It was a small town so everyone knew Joe. The next Saturday, Joe came in town on his horse as he always did. Everyone was watching to see if Joe would stop at the saloon. He rode right past the saloon and hitched his horse to the general store. You see, "Old Joe" had changed his hitching post. That is what salvation does for you, it changes your "hitching post." Where does your hitching post stop?

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