Sunday, March 26, 2023

3-26-2023 Devotion: Holy

 1 Peter 1: 16 reads: "since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” Is our holiness to be an attribute like God’s holiness? No. Our God is absolutely perfect, and we will never, while we are in this life, reach that state. Oh, I have met several folk, including several church denominations who thought they had reached that state of perfection, but I could not find anyone who would agree with them that they had reached that exalted level. Then what does it mean to be holy as God is holy? Our God is a perfect, wonderful personality. Although you and I are mere human beings, we can be full grown; we can mature in our faith. A beautiful little baby in a crib may win a prize for being a "Gerber baby," but if he is still a little baby in a crib seventeen years later, something is wrong. He should be maturing and participating in activities suitable for his age. As Christians, we should be growing spiritually like that. What can produce this kind of growth? The Word of God. We are called to live a life of holiness. While we can't be perfect, we can reflect the Lord Jesus Christ who we serve. It should be our goal to increase in maturity every day and be more like Christ every day. That is an attainable goal.

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