Thursday, March 9, 2023

3-9-2023 Devotion: Led

 Romans 8: 13: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Have you ever said or heard someone say, "I feel God is leading me to do ...." It could be a new job, a new relationship, or any other life decision that you have to make. The verse quoted today is cited as support for the belief that God leads us in making ordinary routine decisions in life. The idea is that the Bible is the Word of God but it doesn't give me direct answers regarding my choice of occupations or a spouse. For those decisions, I need a hunch, impression or God's leading in some mysterious manner. I call this the "breadcrumb approach." God leads you by following the hunches, impressions, fleeces, etc., and hopefully you make the right decision. This is bad theology and not supported by Scripture. In the verse referenced today, when taken in context (read verses 10-13), it becomes clear that the leading referenced is the leading to mortify sin, not live according to the flesh, and to live a righteous life. That is the leading the Bible speaks to. Am I saying God can't lead you? No, I'm just saying there is no "breadcrumb leading" found in Scripture. When God leads, you will know it. Until then, mortify sin, and live a life in the Spirit which is a life of holiness and sanctification.

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