Monday, March 20, 2023

3-20-2023 Devotion: Leaven

 Matthew 16: 6: "Jesus said to them, 'Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." When Jesus gave this warning, the disciples thought He was talking about physical bread. Our Lord reminded them of the fact that He had provided plenty of bread for the multitudes. The "leaven" He was referencing was their teachings and their hypocrisy. They were too concerned with externals such as dress and manmade ceremonies that contradicted the Word of God. The hypocrites focused on the way things appeared and not concerned enough with the matters of the heart. There is much "leaven" in the church today, including but not limited to the Word of Faith Prosperity gospel (which really isn't a gospel) More leaven is seen in the New Apostolic Reformation movement. They lay on the graves of departed saints trying to soak their anointing through the grave, use "prophecy cards" like tarot cards to give prophecies and take out of body experiences to heaven and other places. The church needs to preach the Gospel: Christ crucified, Christ buried, Christ resurrected, Christ ascended to heaven and Christ coming again. We must be true to the Gospel message and avoid the "leaven" of modern false teachers. Stay with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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