Friday, March 10, 2023

3-10-2023 Devotion: Truth

 Romans 8: 17: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." True faith will not come unless the truth of the Gospel is presented. Paul’s main point in this series of rhetorical questions is that a clear presentation of the gospel message will precede genuine saving faith. True faith always has content and truth—the revealed Word of God. Salvation comes to those who hear and believe the facts of the gospel. The other day I read a Facebook comment following a post by a Christian minister regarding preaching to the LGBTQ community. The comment was a question: how did the minister expect the people to hear his message if it was so direct? His response was that he would tell the truth of God's Word and the rest was in God's hands. His point was simple: he didn't save people, only Christ saved people. We must not water down the Gospel. The truth will produce faith when it is heard by God's elect. By elect, I refer to those who are predestined to come to Christ. While there are different views on what elect means, the point is that the truth of God's Word will produce faith in those who are willing to hear. Never compromise and be willing to love people enough to tell them the truth. Even if it makes them mad!

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