Monday, March 6, 2023

3-6-2023 Devotion: Accountability

 2 Timothy 4: 11: “Only Luke is with me….” In this life, it is not good to travel alone. You need other people. Where you fellowship is important. Your friends are important. Your friends reveal your heart interests. The Christian life is not to be lived in isolation. Yes, there are times of private prayer and Bible study. However, you should have someone who you are accountable to. I have been a Christian for many years, been in the ministry over 30 years, have two doctoral degrees (one in Biblical Studies and one in Practical Theology), but I still have ministers I am accountable to. No one should be exempt unless there are unique circumstances warranting such a life. Paul had just written that Demas had forsaken him, but here he affirms that Luke is the only one with him. Generally, there are no lone wolves in the Christian faith. It has been said, “You are not meant to travel the Christian journey alone. If you don’t have anyone with you, preach the gospel, get someone saved, and travel with them.” Who are you accountable to?

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