We are looking at our devotional life and how we can increase our communion with God. It is of great help to spend some time in the Word meditating on passages of Scripture. Psalm 19:14 says: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." David desired that his words and thoughts be acceptable to God. It was not enough that his words and actions appeared well intended before man. He sought a deeper walk. Think about your words and thoughts over the last seven days or even 24 hours; have they been acceptable to God? It is very helpful in your devotional life to think on this verse and then ponder it throughout the day as you can.
The Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon comments on this verse: "David could not bear it, that a word, or a thought of his should miss acceptance with God. It did not satisfy him that his actions were well witnessed unto men on earth, unless his very thoughts were witnessed to by the Lord in heaven." Do we have the same commitment regarding our words and thoughts?
Today meditate, that is reflect, on this verse. Make every effort to have your words and thoughts be acceptable to God. The word "acceptable" means: "pleasure, delight, desire, will, favor, and acceptance.” How might it affect your communion with God if every thought or word was received by God and brought Him pleasure and delight? This is our goal and it is obtainable. Do you desire it? Remember yesterday, because if you do have this desire it has come from the working of the Holy Spirit in your life and He will bring it about.
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