Paul went through some tough times: shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, and even bit by a snake. How do our difficulties compare to his? Yet, Paul could write to the Philippians: "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice." The word "rejoice" is a present imperative active verb. This means that it is a command and not an option. Further, by being in the present tense it means continuous actions. We are commanded to continually rejoice!
The Preachers Sermon and Outline Bible explains the verse as: "Remember: Paul is in prison and the church is having a problem with some false teaching. Yet, Paul tells the believers that they are to walk about rejoicing in the Lord. In fact they are to rejoice in the Lord always—no matter the circumstances." This is great advice even for today and the special problems facing our nation: tough economic times, terrorism, and gross immorality. Regardless of what is occurring in our lives: rejoice!
Today, make a special effort to walk a life of rejoicing. It will help you look at your world in a different light. You will see it through the eyes of rejoicing. The only way that you will be able to do so is if you keep your eyes on Jesus. You can do it because He is there to help and guide you.
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