Today I am going to ask you some questions about your day. Your devotional life is not intended to be limited to a specific time either in the morning, or at lunch or in the evening. It is to be an all day event. Yes, we do have specific times for prayer and Bible study, but we also must be aware that God goes with us throughout the day. Colossians 1:9 says: "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding." Paul prayed without ceasing that his readers would be filled with the knowledge of God. Paul knew the importance of having God's presence in his life continually and thus was able to pray continually for others.
Now for the questions about your day:
1. During what part of your day do you sense your connection to God the most? The least?
2. What happened today that made you the most grateful? The least grateful?
3. What brought you the most joy today? The least?
4. When did you experience the most love today? The least?
5. When did you most evidence the fruits of the Spirit in your life? The least?
These questions will cause you to examine your walk with God throughout the day. Don't let the results discourage you. Tomorrow is a new day and with this approach to it, you can have a different result. The point is to expand your devotional walk to include the entire day and not just a section. This will take some practice, but as you learn to recognize God the entire day you will find a pathway to a more complete walk in Him. When Jesus said to follow Him, He meant all day. That is what this Daily Word is all about.
Today, I wrote expanding your spiritual consciousness throughout the day. Of course, this is not done far east pagan practice, but rather a self examination about your Christian walk. Ask the questions and look at your answers. There may be a pattern. Find it and grow in your faith.
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