Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2-26-2025 Devotion

 Did you ever wish that you could select the temptations you have to deal with? It could be like going to an all you can eat buffet: I'll take some temptation to backslide due to having incredible abundant wealth. I'll pass on the major sickness or major financial crisis. As you know, it doesn't work like that. However, the good news is that regardless of the temptation there is a consistent answer and it is found in Proverbs 3:5: "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Regardless of the circumstances that you may face, the answer is found in whom you trust and in whom you don't trust. Don't place your ultimate trust in anyone or anything but God. 


Thomas Scott wrote: Entire dependence on the providence and promises of God in every undertaking, is here contrasted with a man’s “leaning to his own understanding.” He who “trusts in the Lord with all his heart,” is doubtless a true believer; and he expects the blessing from God on his lawful undertakings in the use of allowable means, and these alone: But he who “leans to his own understanding,” engages in such pursuits as are agreeable to his own inclinations, and relies on his own capacity, policy, or management, for success; and consequently he is under continual temptations to deviate from the path of duty, both as to the end proposed, and the way of humility, faith, piety, peace, and safety.


Today, fight the temptation to lean on man and instead affirm that your total trust is in God. As you do so, the actions of others will begin to have a lesser impact on you. Your leaning on God will stabilize and deliver you from the actions of men. True freedom will reveal itself as you trust in God. This is a great place to be.

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