Sunday, February 2, 2025

2-2-2025 Devotion

 We are going to spend a few days focusing on trust. Who do you put your faith in? Now don't just say what you think is the right answer. Falsity and dishonesty will gain you no relief in times of trouble. Jeremiah 17:5 says: "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." The word "cursed" means to bind (with a spell); to hem in with obstacles; to render powerless to resist. This "curse" is the harvest of trusting in man as opposed to trusting in God.


Matthew Henry says of this verse: " He who puts confidence in man, shall be like the heath in a desert, a naked tree, a sorry shrub, the product of barren ground, useless and worthless. Those who trust to their own righteousness and strength, and think they can do without Christ, make flesh their arm, and their souls cannot prosper in graces or comforts." When we trust in man, we are saying to God, "we want to be like a sorry shrub." Ever see a "sorry shrub." I am reminded of the cartoon the Charlie Brown Christmas Special where they end up with a pathetic scrawny tree. That is what we will be like if we place our trust in man.


Today, search your heart and ask yourself, who do I trust in? Is it God or is it man? Or do you find that you fluctuate back and forth? Resolve to be undivided on this issue; resolve to totally trust in God and not man. Tomorrow, we shall see what happens when you do (and you won't be disappointed).

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