Friday, February 14, 2025

2-14-2025 Devotion

 Yesterday we saw that Jesus asks us questions to reveal our desires. Yet, Jesus is not like a genie in a bottle giving you whatever you want. He works with your desire and in your desire to shape you into His image through the Holy Spirit. Look at Martha in Luke 10:41-42: "Martha, Martha," replied Jesus, "you are anxious and worried about a multitude of things; and yet only one thing is really necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion and she shall not be deprived of it." Martha is concerned that she is doing all the work and Mary is doing "nothing" but sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His teachings. Jesus doesn't give Martha what she wants (she wants Jesus to make Mary help her), He points out what Martha really needs; she needs to quit worrying about everything and just spend time with Him.


Adam Clarke explained about the one thing necessary: "That is, of hearing my word, of which she shall not be deprived; it being at present of infinitely greater importance to attend to my teaching than to attend to any domestic concerns. While thou art busily employed in providing that portion of perishing food for perishing bodies, Mary has chosen that spiritual portion which endures for ever, and which shall not be taken away from her; therefore I cannot command her to leave her present employment, and go and help thee to bring forward a variety of matters, which are by no means necessary at this time."


Nothing you do today will be as important as listening to the Word of God. Yes, we have many important duties to attend to in this life but only "one thing" that is really necessary. Take time today to spend at the feet of Jesus. Shut out the worries of life and focus on just Him. Sit at His feet spiritually and hear His voice (more on this tomorrow). As you do, the cares of this life will begin to fade away.

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