Monday, February 3, 2025

2-3-2025 Devotion

 Yesterday we began looking at Jeremiah 17:5: "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." We saw that those that trust in man will be like a scrawny shrub. Our goal is to trust in God and receive the promises that flow from that trust. Verse 7 says: "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is." The word "blessed" is a verb meaning to bless,salute, or greet. God is telling us that those who trust in Him will be saluted or greeted by Him. What a beautiful promise to have in midst of difficult times. As we trust in Him, He will make His way to us and stand with us to insure His will being done.


The Family Bible Notes comments on this verse as follows: "They who put their trust in the living God, continually receive from him light and life and prosperity. The heavenly joy and peace which fill their souls keep them in the way of holiness, and prevent them from turning aside after the sinful delights of the wicked." You see, as we trust in Him, He is with us which will in turn keep us from sin and on the path of holiness. This is such a far better place to be than on the pathway of cursing that comes from trusting in man.


Today make sure that you are trusting in just Him. He is our Rock, Shelter, Deliverer and Sustainer. He is our Salvation and the One who will see you through this life in victory. Remember that trust is a choice so make the choice to trust Him today. Then, you will be able to be greeted along the way by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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