Thursday, February 13, 2025

2-13-2025 Devotion

 Since we are examining our devotional life, let us ask ourselves the same questions Jesus asked: "What is it you desire?" (Matthew 20:21); "What shall I do for you?" (Matthew 20:32); and "Do you wish to have health and strength?" (John 5:6) What do these questions tell you about Jesus' care and compassion? It tells you that He cares enough to ask and His asking is not without purpose. He does not inquire for the sake of being a busy body; He inquires because He wants you to state what you want. 


Do you think that Jesus did not know the answers to these questions before hearing them? Of course not! The pattern that God has established is for us to tell Him what we want. Too many settle for the material things of the world in interpreting this passages. It shows where their heart lies (with the world). What we should want is spiritual closeness with the Holy Trinity and to know He is with us wherever we travel. 


Today try to imagine Jesus standing before you asking the same three questions in the first paragraph. What would your answers be? Don't answer too quickly because you might fool yourself. Take a few moments and get real answers. You may be surprised as to what your true desires are. Ask God to give you the right desires, the holy desires, and the desires He wants you to have. Remember when you seek the Kingdom first, everything else is included! (Matthew 6:33)

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