Today we are going to focus on hearing the voice of God as we take yesterday's admonition to sit at the feet of Jesus. We have seen that there is a "one thing necessary," and that one thing is being with Jesus. It is too easy to be dragged down with the clutter of life. We must spend some time shutting out the distractions and focusing on Jesus Christ and what He means to us. Imagine going to friend's home to talk with him. The window is open and you can hear the neighbor cutting his grass, children playing and cars driving by. Just like you would filter those noises out and concentrate on your conversation with your friend, do the same with God. Don't let the outside noises interfere with your time with God.
One of the ways to accomplish this is through Bible study. Select a passage of Scripture and read it slowly. For example, one might select John 8:12: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." Ask yourself, "what seems to be important to Jesus about what He says?" "What is Jesus trying to get me to do or understand?" "Is there something God is saying to me through this verse?" As you ponder these questions while reading the selected verse, something is likely to occur. The Holy Spirit is going to guide you. You may suddenly see something in the verse that you have not previously seen. You may sense a correction from Him regarding a behavior or attitude. Or, you might just sit quietly with nothing but the Word and be refreshed knowing that you are ready like an obedient servant for God to speak. Regardless, the point is to be ready to hear while closing off distractions.
Today, select a verse to meditate on and do so for several days. Be prepared to record any insights or guidance you receive from the Holy Spirit. The main thing is the "one thing necessary." And the one thing is sitting at the feet of Jesus.
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