Wednesday, August 31, 2022

8-31-2022 Devotion: Plotting

 Psalm 2: 1: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine (meditate) a vain thing?" Why do the heathen (Gentiles) rage, and the people (Jews) imagine a vain thing? The word vain here means “empty.” The lost are always plotting evil and wickedness against our Lord Jesus Christ and His church. The heathen are without God and don’t want to be told by Him how to live. Everyday I pray and acknowledge God's Sovereignty and Providential rule over my life. As I write this in the evening, I am reflecting on the challenging day I had today in the business world. The day started so well with two opportunities to minister to people I care about. However, from there, I was forced to deal with people that were plotting to do things that were not productive but were destructive. So while I didn't like to deal with the problems, I took solace that God was still in control. No matter what happens in life, I know God is in control, regardless of the circumstances. I can face the raging of the heathen and their plotting emptiness when I remember Who is in charge.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

8-30-2022 Devotion: Delight

 Psalm 1: 2: "But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night."  The delight of God’s man is in the law of the Lord. In other words, he finds joy in the Word of God. I wish I could get the message over to people that the Bible is a thrilling Book. It’s not a burden; it’s not boring. It is a real delight to read and study the Word of God. Blessed is the man—happy is the man—whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Today the tragedy that has come to man—the tear, the sigh, the groaning, the heartache, the heartbreak, the broken homes, the violence, school shootings, the ruined and wrecked lives—are the result of God’s broken laws. The Word of God makes it very clear. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous”. His commandments for believers today are not only the Ten Commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. I remember being in the third grade when all of a sudden we stopped having Bible reading and prayer in our public school. We didn't know that the Supreme Court had ruled that to have such practices were unconstitutional. We didn't have any mass shootings back then. In Biblical apologetics, we learned the phrase, "So, how is that working out for you?" For all the people that wanted prayer and Bible reading removed from our schools, "So, how is that working out?"

Monday, August 29, 2022

8-29-2022 Devotion: Walking Standing Sitting

 Psalm 1: 1: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." This verse states the practice of the blessed person. A little bit further in this psalm we will see the power of the blessed man, and finally his permanency. In this first verse we see the negative side of the practice of the blessed man. We are told what the happy man does not do. Here we see three positions or postures. Blessed is the man, or happy is the man, who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. The person who does these things is not a happy person. He goes through three stages. First he associates with the ungodly, then he gets in with sinners, and finally he joins in with the scornful. I have said over the years that I can tell much about someone by whom his friends are or those he spends much time with. First, avoid walking with the ungodly, certainly don't stop and stand with them, and finally don't sit down with them. Avoid these practices and you will be blessed. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Antichrist Part 4: "Lying Wonders"

  There is a Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is also an unholy trinity: Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. You can read more about the unholy trinity in Revelation chapters 12 and 13.  Today, I want to bring you a study on the coming world dictator, the Antichrist. I believe this is an appropriate time to bring this study because with the way the world is going, we must be getting close to the Rapture, Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we study "Lying Wonders."

Section 1: Satan's Power to Create Lying Wonders

I want you to know about the power of Satan in bringing forth the Antichrist. II Thessalonians 2:9-10 state: "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."  (Emphasis supplied)

The Greek word translated "power" is dynamis and it means power, ability, miracles, or a supernatural ruler with administrative power. The word "signs" is the Greek word semeion and it means sign, signal or a distinguishing mark. The word "wonder" is the word teras which means a wonder or miracle that establishes something or points to something. The power, signs, and wonders will be the evidence to the world that the person who is performing them is like "God" or is "God." The world will be deceived because they have been conditioned by Satan and many churches to look for signs and wonders. 

The following is a free translation of the verses quoted above:

"(The man o sin) is coming as a result of and in harmony with the effectual operation of Satan and furnished with credentials of every kind of extraordinary power and ability to accomplish marvelous power and wonderful things for man, by which he will attention to the sign of the Messiah that he is sent from God, by which he deceives the perishing world by a vain hope that they can live in sin and enjoy the pleasures of sin without falling under the judgment of God: and he is able to do this because they would not have the love of the truth, that they might be saved."

In the book of Exodus, God used signs and wonders as a SIGN TO PHARAOH. God does not deal with His children today in signs; these are for the UNBELIEVER.  God speaks to His children by revelation through His Word. I am not looking for a sign to determine His will. There are many so-called Christians and professing believers that use God's Word like a spiritual medium uses her crystal ball. Letting the Bible fall to a page and believe God is directing them to look at that page or verse. The way God uses the Bible is to have us study the Word and His Spirit can impress your renewed spirit to a place of revelation regarding a particular passage. 

Section 2: What is a Lying Wonder

The word "Wonder" in the New Testament means something so strange and extraordinary that it catches the attention and holds it. Notice the word "all" in verse 9. The word "all" modifies power, signs, and wonders to mean ALL POWER OR MIRACLES, ALL SIGNS, ALL WONDERS.  It refers to every manner in which such phenomenon manifests itself, in other words, "MIRACLES AND SIGNS AND WONDERS covers the whole field of human relations, whether scientific, social, economic, political, music, and art, or religion, and embraces every sort of activity in each one. The "lying wonders" will be lying miracles, lying signs and lying wonders will be presented as credentials to deceive the world and convince them that the Antichrist is God's representative first, and then as God himself. 

 Some translations use the phrase "wonders of falsehood." This is a conscious and intentional falsehood, a lie told to deliberately deceive someone. The lying signs and wonders are presented as credentials to deceive the world and present the Antichrist as God's representative.  Verses 10-12 read as follows:

"And with ALL DECEIVABLENESS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a (the) lie (Antichrist): that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  

Again, we have ALL or EVERY KIND OF DECEIT of unrighteousness that the "spirit of antichrist" paves the way with as well as the Antichrist himself brings with him when he comes upon the scene. So, we have a combination of the spirit of antichrist and the Antichrist himself leading the world into a system of falsehood that will almost be impossible to resist. If an individual has a LOVE OF THE TRUTH, he can detect the difference between truth and error, but if you reject the love of the truth, then you cannot tell whether you are embracing truth or error. Too many today have left the Bible as a closed canon and wondered off into thinking they have new revelations from God. This will be one way that Antichrist will deceive many. The Bible is God's final revelation to us. He speaks to us through His Word, not dreams and visions. 

"All power and signs and wonders of falsehood" will convince the world that the FALSE MESSIAH and the FALSE PROPHET are from God. Revelations 13 contains statements about the two beasts. They will come as angels of light, but they are wolves in sheep's clothing. In the Old Testament, the Messiah was God's Anointed, the Servant of Jehovah, the King of Israel, the High Priest of the Sanctuary. The Prophet was a type of Christ in His prophetic office as a Messenger from God to man. The true prophets had a message of judgment and warning against sin, and they set forth God's only way of grace---"Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1: 17) That will be missing from the messages of the Antichrist and False Prophet. They will seek to be worshipped and will present themselves as God and God's representatives.

Section 3: Warnings Against Lying Wonders

The Lord Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 24 that there would be FALSE CHRISTS AND FALSE PROPHETS. The Apostle Peter warned against false teachers just as the prophets of old warned against the smooth tongues of the false prophets in their day. Read 2 Peter 2: 1-3) If you read chapter 2 of 2 Peter and the book of Jude, you will see the characteristics of these unsaved religionists. There will be preachers, teachers, "apostles", even those that say they are Christ. They will be covetous liars, make merchandise (profit) of the flock, bringing in false doctrine privately, denying the Lord that bought them. They will walk after the flesh including all type of uncleanness. The carnal mind which is death will be their mindset. These false teachers will preach a little sermonette, enjoy the prestige of being a minister but will never mention THE DEPRAVITY OF MAN, THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD, BLOOD REDEMPTION, OR HOLY SPIRIT CONVICTION. Even though the church is still present, and the time of the Antichrist is not yet, the spirit of antichrist is, and you see it operating with all the false teachers today that have turned the gospel into a self-help, improvement program, where Jesus is your buddy, and He wants to play games with you and go for long walks with you. Under their teaching, the church and the world live the same way, satisfying the lusts of the eye and flesh. We are in the last days. Restraint is being gradually removed until it will be all gone. Thank God the church will be removed before the time of the Antichrist. 

we need to face the truth that most churches have a religion without Christ. The religious world system is a DELUSION OF SATAN if Christ, virgin-born, crucified, buried, risen, and ascended in His resurrected body, is not A LIVING REALITY in the midst of that church. You can have a nice physical sensation because of the music and light shows. You may think it is the Lord's presence, but it is probably Satan giving you that good feeling or something like that, but that's all you have if you have never FACED REALITY of the following: 

1. SIN of man,

2. LORDSHIP of Christ, and

3. JUDGMENT of God (John 16: 7-11). 

You will never be saved until you come face to face with your lost condition and your hell-bound destiny. The Holy Spirit will break your will and bring you to the feet of the Sovereign LORD. That is truth; that is reality. If you do not receive this LOVE OF THE TRUTH (and it is a gift and you can ask God for it), then you will gladly lay hold of Satan's delusion, that you can have your own way and not be punished in hell for it. This No-Hell doctrine is one of Satan's delusions. FALSEHOOD is an empty dream, a vain hope, a sinking foundation, a God without justice, a Saviour without life.

When the FALSE CHRIST comes on the scene and if you are one of those who don't see themselves as lost hell-bound sinners, if you believe in your will being supreme, when he makes promises of liberty, freedom, economic blessings, you will be the one to accept him as God when he is the Antichrist. 

Satan's ways with man are deception and fraud, guile and flattery, whether it is the spirit of Antichrist, who is already shaping the world getting ready for the Antichrist man himself or if you are reading this after the Rapture it will be the Antichrist on the scene. Satan uses deceit to lure you. He will take the businessperson and have him focus on the greatness he can achieve or the money he can make. It may be your lust for money, power, or pride. He will make you think God is leading you. He will keep your attention on your assets and profits. Even if you are not in business, Satan will use the same methods to get you hopelessly entangled in the affairs of the world. 

Satan is getting the whole world in a bankrupt condition today, not only financially, but also morally, socially, economically, and when mankind is at his wits' end, he will come in with his flattering tongue, with angel of light role as the fulfillment of all the hopes of all peoples and tongues and nations. The Antichrist will come as the HOPE OF THE WORLD. However, he is a fraud, and his promises of a better world without Christ are only alluring deceits of unrighteousness that sell you sinner, into his clutches and the death trap that seals your soul for hell and the Lake of Fire.

I want to close with some indicators of a church, minister or group that is operating under the spirit of Antichrist:

1. Does the pastor ever testify how God saved him?

2. Does the pastor ever ask you about your testimony?

3. Does the ministry ever warn its followers about hell fire?

4. Is true repentance preached, or are you just called upon to reform? Meetings like "Celebrate Recovery" are a good sign that the ministry is concerned with you living a better life now as opposed to your eternal destiny.

5. Do you hear messages on the Sovereignty of God, blood redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit conviction, the depravity of man, and the second coming of Christ?

6. Is the focus on you not the Lord Jesus Christ? This is the desire to deify man and humanize God.

7. Is there a focus on spiritual gifts, prophecy, signs and wonders and miracles?

8. Does the ministry ask you to make a decision for Christ, a profession of faith, or ask Jesus to come into your heart? If so, these are signs of a false conversion that will not stand the difficult times.

Reading friend, don't be fooled and misled by Satan. Lying wonders are here now and after the rapture, it will be worse. You don't have to be here. Acknowledge that you are a guilty sinner. Take the blame. It has been said that there is no repentance without taking the blame and I agree. See yourself as lost and hell bound. Come to the foot of the cross and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you and He will cast no one away. This is not about a decision or profession of faith. This is about a change of ownership. Your will and way are broken, and you have a new Master, and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ!

Next week: Truth Versus Error.


8-28-2022 Devotion: Choose Wisely

 Proverbs 31: 30: "Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." Verses 10-29 concentrate on practical wisdom. Now the basis of all true wisdom is the focus. The Book of Proverbs ends as it begins: observation of the created order can provide some wisdom and knowledge of God, but only the self-revelation of the Creator enables us to know and appreciate the God-centered meaning of reality. True wisdom is seen as the life lived in wholehearted obedience to God’s revelation in His Word, which is “the fear of the Lord”. This trust is the foundation and continuing path of wisdom as it brings us to final perfection in Christ. There is nothing complex in understanding wisdom. You live your life according to the Word of God in obedience to Godly principles. It is when people disregard the Bible and choose for themselves based on their best judgment and intellect. I could cite example after after example with both good and horrific results. Those that follow the LORD will be blessed regardless of their circumstances. Those that refuse to follow the LORD will be miserable regardless of how good their circumstances are. Choose wisely.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

8-27-2022 Devotion: Looking

 Proverbs 31: 10: "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." “Virtuous” here means a woman of character, a woman of strength, a woman of real ability. She is not to be a shrinking violet. She is not to be like Whistler’s mother, always sitting in a rocking chair. (A whimsical story is told that Whistler painted another picture of his mother, because he came in one day and found her sitting on the floor and said to her, “Mother, you’re off your rocker”) I don’t think you will find many mothers sitting in rocking chairs. They are busy. This is a picture of a busy mother. The point here is that a virtuous woman may be difficult to find, but they are out there. This can be looked at from two perspectives. First, the man is looking for a special woman to be his wife, someone he can be proud of and rejoice that she is married to him. Second, from the woman's perspective, she wants to be the type of woman that is strong, has character, and real ability. All these traits are found in the person who makes the Word of God the rule and practice for their life. So, what is guiding you?

Friday, August 26, 2022

8-26-2022 Devotion: Awakened

 Proverbs 30: 12: "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness." There are some church members who are like that. They are pure in their own eyes. They feel that they don’t need to repent of their wickedness. They are just religious. I call them unsaved religionists. Also there are people who are high up in business and politics who feel that they are pure—they are not guilty of wrongdoing. In today's culture, we have the idea of wokeness. If you don't follow their liberal agenda (which is actually a codification of Romans 1), they will cancel you, attack you, and try everything to destroy you. They believe they have the high road and are morally superior. They are not! They are lost souls headed to a devil's hell. The only wokeness I ascribe to is the awakening a sinner feels when the Holy Spirit convicts the soul of sin. Don't be woke, be awakened!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

8-25-2022 Devotion: Separation

 Proverbs 29: 27: "An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked." There is no agreement between an unjust man and a righteous one. The just one looks with disfavor on the ungodly, and the wicked dislikes the upright. Just as a straight stick shows up a crooked one, so the contrast between a clean life and a wicked one is glaring. This is one reason why where you fellowship is important. There is to be a separation. Years ago, my wife and I were large supporters of a particular ministry. However, after a few years, we noticed some things that caused concern to us. We discovered that the leader did not believe in the Trinity and he did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, only a "son" in a general way. Immediately, my wife and I discontinued our financial support and warned as many as we could of the heretical positions of the leader. Needless to say, we were an abomination to each other. We should not fear when the wicked consider us an abomination. In fact, it is a good thing when the wicked unbeliever dislikes you. Be encouraged.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

8-24-2022 Devotion: Answer

 Proverbs 29: 18: "Where there is no vision the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." “Vision” is actually spiritual understanding. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer to give him understanding of the Word of God. We read in 1 Samuel 3:1: “… And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.” The Word of the Lord was precious, or rare. There was no understanding of the Word of God, and, therefore, it was precious in those days. God had to raise up Samuel, a seer, to meet that need. This seems true today. Churches look for self-help programs, making friends and social connections, instead of it being a soul-saving station. I told a "pastor" once that he was like driving a little yellow school bus with his people on board playing board games as they drove straight to a devil's hell. We must proclaim the truth of God's Word. Without it, one translation states, the people "cast off restraint." Can you hear God's call to you to stand up like Samuel and bring the Word of the Lord to a lost and dying world? If so, answer the call!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

8-23-2022 Devotion: Stand For Righteousness

 Proverbs 29: 2: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." We’ve seen before that when the wicked are in power, they never solve the problem, but one righteous man is able to bring blessing to a nation. That is what we need in this nation of ours above everything else. We don’t need men who say they have solutions for every problem. No one has the solutions for the problems of this world, and if anyone says he does, he must say it with his tongue in his cheek. What we need today are righteous men who will stand for the right at any price. I believe just one such man is better than a whole party, regardless of what party it might be. If you look around you will see the effects of wicked people in power. Do you remember the anger when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade? People screaming they want to kill babies. They are sick and hell-bound. Think about the institution of marriage. Marriage has a Biblical foundation and it is between one man and one woman. Look at the economic condition of our country. We see evidence of this verse being true every day. Let us look forward to the day when once again the righteous will be in authority.

When the wicked rule, everyone suffers. Incidentally, for whom did you vote?

Monday, August 22, 2022

8-22-2022 Devotion: Get Rich Quick

 Proverbs 28: 20: "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." Faith and wisdom may lead to riches, but to give priority to riches is a serious error. A faithful man here is one who is honest and who does not covet great wealth. He will be richly blessed. The man who seeks to enrich himself quickly by unscrupulous means will be punished. Over the years I have seen many people that don't want to work hard, but instead, are always looking for the "get rich quick scheme." It doesn't work that way. My wife and I have a successful real estate brokerage. People see the success, but what they don't see are the years of hard work, lack of finances, and stress that comes when you are lacking the resources to live. People don't see the days when we were not sure where our next meal was coming from. Yet, in the midst of poverty, we learned to be faithful in giving to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We lived this verse by continuing to persevere, trusting in the Lord, and remaining faithful. Focus on being faithful, success will come.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Antichrist Part 3: The Rise of the Antichrist

 There is a Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is also an unholy trinity: Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. You can read more about the unholy trinity in Revelation chapters 12 and 13.  Today, I want to bring you a study on the coming world dictator, the Antichrist. I believe this is an appropriate time to bring this study because with the way the world is going, we must be getting close to the Rapture, Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we study "The Rise of the Antichrist."

Section 1: Spiritual Darkness 

I have seen spiritual darkness growing more and more in our churches and in our culture. Abortion, homosexual marriage, transgenderism, and confusion over gender all point to the deterioration in our land. The message we must send is REPENT OR PERISH. It is CHRIST OR HELL. Crime is increasing from every angle. Mass shootings occur o frequently now that we are no longer shocked by them when they occur. 

Satan is counterfeiting everything that is spiritual Churches have lost the message of genuine salvation. Holy Spirit conviction is an ancient mystery, old time Bible repentance is laughed at, made fun of, and those few of us that speak of such things are called dinosaurs and "old fools." The Sovereignty of God is ridiculed, and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ again is scoffed at. The doctrine of total depravity is sneered at, and salvation by grace through blood redemption has been set aside for an "another gospel." Satan's imitation program is as follows:

1. Make the world religious without Christ.

2. Satan's healing program with an emphasis on signs, miracles and wonders, has taken the place of the Gospel message of repentance and blood redemption.

3. A decision for Christ has been substituted for salvation.

4. Satanic conviction has been mistaken for Holy Spirit conviction.  This conviction does reach the heart of a person. Holy Spirit conviction breaks up the fallow ground of the sinner, shows him that he is lost and headed to a devil's hell and brings a person to a place that they know without Christ, he has no hope. Everything else is Satanic conviction. 

5. Have churches present a social gospel of recreation, banquets, religious movies, sporting events, etc. Replace old time agonizing prayer meetings with fun and games. 

6. Deify man and humanize the Lord Jesus Christ.

The church today has nothing but a refined selfishness to offer the world. This is preparing the world to accept the Antichrist when he comes on the scene.

Section 2: The Stage is Set

We are facing a world crisis. There are political and social issues, war in Ukraine and the threat of other wars are imminent. Prophetically, there is nothing else remaining to be done before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to rapture the church and take them to heaven. It could happen before you finish reading this lesson. The believer is facing the soon coming of our Lord back to earth, and the unbeliever is facing world chaos and destruction. As soon as the rapture occurs and the true church is gone and the Holy Spirit no longer serves to restrain evil, the Antichrist will rise, and the tribulation period of seven years will begin. You are either going in the rapture or you are going to be under the authority of Satan and the Antichrist. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD: the day of judgment is here. You will REPENT OR PERISH. 

THE ANTICHRIST is most likely living today. He has already been born. However, he WILL NOT BE MANIFESTED UNTIL AFTER THE LORD JESUS CHRIST COMES FOR HIS OWN. (II Thessalonians 2: 7 reads: "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth (hinders) will let (hinder), until He be taken out of the way." Verse 8 states in part: "And then shall the Wicked (one) be revealed...." The Holy Spirit will accompany the saints in the first resurrection when Christ comes for His own. I Thessalonians 4: 16-17: "For the Lord Himself SHALL descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ SHALL rise first: then we which are alive and remain SHALL be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so SHALL we ever be with the Lord."  There is nothing Satan can do to stop the SHALLS of God's Word. THE RESURRECTION OF THE SAINTS WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. 

The stage is set, be ready.

Section 3: Rise to Power

The trend of the political world today is toward a centralized world government. The religious world is moving toward a world church. In 1997, steps were being taken to create the United Religions Organization, known simply as UR. It was composed of Catholic leaders, some from the Episcopal Church and others. As this spirit of centralization grows, there will be an increasing need for ONE VOICE OF AUTHORITY.  From mankind there will come forth to meet this need. After the church has been removed, the path is clear for Satan to bring forth his son whom he has prepared to take over the governments of the world under a one-man rule. He will also become head of the religious world. 

THE ANTICHRIST WILL BE A VERY ASTUTE POLITICIAN, one who will display shrewd discernment, cunning craftiness, and discriminating skill. He will be a liar and a deceiver like his father Satan. Daniel 11: 21 states: "He shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." Most likely, he will come from the United Nations. 

Not only will he be a great politician, but he WILL also BE A GREAT ORATOR, OR RELIGIOUS PULPITEER. Daniel 7: 20 reads: "A mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows." "Stout" means he will be bold, courageous, resolute, determined, defiant, uncompromising, and self-willed. He will speak with authority. Revelation 13:2: "And the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat and great authority."

HE WILL HEAD THE WORLD CHURCH AS A GREAT RELIGIOUS LEADER, according to II Thessalonians 2: 4: "Who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God." I have recently written several lessons on "Satan's Imitation of the Holy Spirit." Satan wants to imitate God and be worshipped. With the removal of restraints at the Rapture, Satan and his son the Antichrist will temporarily achieve what he always wanted.  As the trend increases of deifying man, he will have no trouble bringing the unsaved religious world to bow at his feet in worship. He will come forth as a performer of miracles with great power of healing (Revelation 13:14). 

The spirit of exalting man is very prevalent in some churches today. So, WHEN THE ANTICHRIST COMES FORTH FROM THE DEAD, the world will be ready to worship him. The Antichrist will be slain, will be healed and will rise again (Revelation 13:3). Again, you Satan's desire to imitate God. Every media outlet will portray the Antichrist as a great ruler and savior of the world. The spirit of the Antichrist is in the world now and so probably is the Antichrist. The spirit of Antichrist seeks to exalt and deify man. THIS IS ALL THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXALTING A MAN, AND NOT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Satan cares not if you are religious as long as you don't have Christ. 

THE ANTICHRIST WILL BE PROCLAIMED AS THE WORLD'S GREATEST RELIGIOUS LEADER AND WORLD'S ECONOMIC SAVIOUR. Think about world events. There is a war in Ukraine. Threats from China, Russian and North Korea to create the possibility of nuclear annihilation.  Problems with food shortages abound and are getting worse even in the USA. For the one who is an unbeliever or a nominal believer in Christ (the term describes a lost soul but one that thinks he is saved), imagine one person coming on the scene after the church has been Raptured, and he solves the world's economic, political and food problems. There should be little doubt that the world would worship the one that can accomplish this. Further, the one that does all this is killed and comes back to life. They will proclaim him Christ, but he is the Antichrist. In addition, this man will perform miracles and lying wonders. He will require you to receive his mark in your forehead or in your hand to be able to conduct business or buy food.

Yes, the scene is set for the rise of the Antichrist. Will you be here when he comes into power. I don't want you to be. This ministry exists to help people know that they must repent of their sins, put their faith in the blood redemption offered by the Lord Jesus Christ, and make Him Lord over all of their lives. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ today!

Next week: "Lying Wonders."

8-21-2022 Devotion: Don’t Cover

 Proverbs 28: 13: "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." The orderliness and well-being in one’s life is linked to an intensely personal relationship with God. Unconfessed sin is the ultimate disorder in life. Confession and repentance lead to a restoration of a right relationship with God, based on His mercy. All other relationships depend on this, family and friends included.  It seems a common practice today for American Christians to try to cover their sins. You will find in the average church that there is a Band-Aid of silence wrapped over the cancer of sin. Pastors don't talk about sin much and hell rarely and if so it comes with an apology for bringing the subject up. People don’t like to talk about it; in fact, they don’t admit its existence. They like to think they are very good. But we are told here, “But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” This does not necessarily refer to a public confession of sin; confession is between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. Trying to appear sinless before your little group of friends is a big mistake. If you confess and forsake your sin, you shall have mercy. How wonderful is that truth!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

8-20-2022 Devotion: A Daily Practice

 Proverbs 28: 1: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." A guilty conscience imagines accusers everywhere, while a clear conscience has boldness to face everyone. Sin, regardless of the viewpoint of men toward it, puts a person into a state of continual fear and self-condemnation. If a man is not guilty, he can stand up and speak out. If his own mind is free from guilt, he is not afraid of the thoughts and minds of other men. This is one reason why we need to live in a continual (daily) state of repentance and asking forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ. No matter how well I live my life today, I will fall short of the absolute perfection required by our Lord. That is why I stand amazed at how God could love humans the way He does. Every day I marvel at His grace and mercy. Since I live in a state of seeking forgiveness, I can stand as bold as a lion. Don't fear man. That's why our Lord included this in the "Lord's Prayer:" "Forgive us our tresspasses." Make it a daily practice.

Friday, August 19, 2022

8-19-2022 Devotion: Iron

 Proverbs 27: 17: "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." It is a wonderful thing to have a friend with whom you can sharpen your mind. You can discuss certain things with him with real profit. I used to have such a friend, and we could sit down and talk about spiritual matters. I always came away strengthened, and I always had learned something more about myself. It is wonderful to have a friend like that. I have known other people that use this verse to try and aggravate me. After posing some ridiculous proposition not worthy of a discussion, he would respond, "Well, iron sharpens iron." My response would be, "Only among friends." My recommendation for the principle found in this verse is to try and locate someone who is a friend and a believer, and have candid discussions with them about the Word, faith and about being a disciple in the 21st Century. If the discussion helps you grow as a believer, then you have a true friend. Training your mind is like lifting weights, if you don't exercise it, it will become soft. Lift a book and read it!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

8-18-2022 Devotion: Faithful Words

 Proverbs 27: 6:"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." It may be difficult to accept, but the suggestions of a true friend designed to help you are far greater than the affection from an enemy. Paul rebuked Simon Peter when he withdrew from eating with the Gentiles. Peter needed that rebuke, and he accepted it from Paul. There was no ill feeling between them. Now the contrasting thought is, of course, exemplified in Judas who betrayed Jesus with a kiss. We should be thankful for friends that care enough and are willing to risk our offense, when they correct some behavior of ours. We are to be on guard when those who have shown a consistent pattern of ill will towards us when they show signs of affection. You may very well have a "Judas" on your hands. Accept criticism from a friend not an enemy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

8-17-2022 Devotion: Gossip

 Proverbs 26: 20: "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer (literally, whisperer), the strife ceaseth." I have had the misfortune to see this truth many times in the business and church world. Just as the fire goes out without the fuel of the wood, so will strife when the whispering and gossip goes out. I once recall a situation in our office where the gossipping had gotten so bad that I had to call a meeting of the staff and issue a stern warning. A few days later the situation had actually gotten worse. I called a second meeting and issued a second warning that I was going to put an end to the talebearing. It would either stop by their stopping or people would be let go. It seemed like such a reasonable request, but the whisperers would not stop. The COVID pandemic forced people to work from home, but it continued. Regrettably, it was not until the two offenders were let go that peace and tranquility returned. I am reminded of the preacher who had a woman come into his office and she wanted to cut six inches off his neck tie. He allowed her to, but before she left he said he wanted to cut four inches off her gossipping tongue! Wherever you find contention and strife, remember this verse and remove the whisperers and you will be glad you did. This is a Biblical law.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

8-16-2022 Devotion: Returning

 Proverbs 26: 11: "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." Fools will not learn from their mistakes but rather return, like a dog to its vomit, to repeat them. I know of nothing as harsh as that. It is repulsive and sickening even to think of this. This is the viewpoint that Peter presents to us concerning the hypocrite: “But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire” (2 Pet. 2:22). Peter says it would have been better if they had not learned the "way of righteousness."  I have seen the application of these verses many times over the years. People will be in a bad situation and break free only to return later. I have seen this with people having a false conversion. They make a "decision for Jesus," or are baptized and join a church. Yet, their heart was never under Holy Spirit conviction and they never repented of their sin. They simply said the "sinner's prayer."  Then, when life gets hard, they return to their old way of life just like the proverb states. When people are truly converted, they don't return to their old sinful life.  That is comforting to the true believer.

Monday, August 15, 2022

8-15-2022 Devotion: To answer or not to answer

 Proverbs 26: 4-5: "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit." Okay, which is it? Do you answer a fool or not? Verse 4 says no and verse 5 says yes. Is this a Bible contradiction? No, it isn't. "Taken together these verses illustrate the point that no proverb is intended to cover every possible situation. The apparent contradiction in the two proverbs indicates that proverbs must be appropriately applied. One situation demands that we avoid playing the fool’s game by giving an answer, while another demands that we expose the fool so that the fool is not considered wise." Taken together, these verses teach the appropriate way to answer a fool (e.g., an unbeliever who rejects truth). He should not be answered with agreement to his own ideas and presuppositions, or he will think he is right (v. 4), but rather he should be rebuked on the basis of his folly and shown the truth so he sees how foolish he is (v. 5). My recommendation is, when appropriate, answer from the Word of God and not your opinion. Sometimes you do answer a foolish statement and at other times you defer. The Holy Spirit will guide you.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Antichrist Part 2: Signs of the Antichrist

 There is a Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is also an unholy trinity: Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. You can read more about the unholy trinity in Revelation chapters 12 and 13.  Today, I want to bring you a study on the coming world dictator, the Antichrist. I believe this is an appropriate time to bring this study because with the way the world is going, we must be getting close to the Rapture, Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 1: The Power of Christ Versus the Power of the Antichrist

Satan has been able in this generation to put over his deceptive program of making the world religious without Christ in the most subtle way and with very little protest. Satan's program masquerades under a religion in the name of "Jesus," because he operates as "an angel of light" through his "ministers of righteousness" (II Corinthians 11: 13-15), deceiving the world through satanic mass psychology. He has created a false salvation, e.g., decisionism, easy believeism, profession of faith, seeker sensitive churches, etc. Satan is a great imitator that seeks to take the place of God Almighty. Satan wants to be worshipped, that is what led to his being cast out of heaven. Satan will answer prayer, he can inspire prayer and then answer it. Satan can bring about self-reformation; he has the power to perform miracles, lying wonders, and signs of all types. If he can get you focusing on signs and wonders and not Christ, he will lead you astray. Satan can even heal the human body. Remember, he has the power to imitate and duplicate, in a limited way, all the power that Christ has, except to give life. 

In Ezekiel 28: 14, the LORD God, speaking of Satan before he fell, described him as "the ANOINTED CHERUB THAT COVERETH" and says, "I have set thee so." Before Satan fell, he was the ANOINTED CHERUB. God set him in that position, and nowhere in Scripture do we have any hint that God has taken away the supernatural power that He gave him to perform his office of leading the created beings in their worship.  Satan had the power to personify himself in the serpent and appear to Eve as an angel of light, leading the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Today, Satan is doing the same thing deceiving people as he did to Eve. His power is supernatural, but not omnipotent. 

Read Ephesians 6: 11, 12 and you will see that Satan has an organized kingdom to carry out his deceptions: PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS, RULERS. From the exchange between Satan and Michael the archangel in Jude 9, reveals the fact that Satan's power and authority was not revoked or taken from him after his fall. Michael the archangel would not dare to rebuke Satan. Michael let it to the LORD when he said, "The LORD rebuke thee." Michael recognized Satan's position and authority over the body of Moses. The only true authority over Satan is the LORD God. He is able to take care of every situation that Satan tries to control, as far as God's child is concerned.  When we deal with Satan and his emissaries who contend with the LORD God of Heaven is "The LORD rebuke thee." 

Let us now compare the Scriptural language used to describe the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and that used of the Antichrist:

1. Acts 2:22: "Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by MIRACLES, WONDERS, and SIGNS, which God did by Him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know." (Emphasis supplied)

2. II Thessalonians 2:9: "Even him, whose coming is after Satan with all POWER and SIGNS and LYING WONDERS." (Emphasis supplied)

The language is almost identical. The word in both Scriptures is the Greek word dunamis and means the outgoing of supernatural power. The Antichrist ill exercise supernatural power in performing miracles in following the direction of his father Satan. I see ministries that have as their mission statement to spread the gospel will signs, wonders and miracles. These are false ministries. How do I know? You don't hear any mention of the Sovereignty of God, blood redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ, the depravity of man and Holy Spirit conviction. They seek to deify man and reduce God to a helpless spectator on the sidelines of our lives. 

Where did the Lord Jesus Chris and the Antichrist get their power? Acts 10: 38 states: "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him."   Antichrist received his power from Satan: "And the dragon (Satan) gave him (Antichrist) his power, and his seat, and great authority." (Revelation 13:2)

The Lord Jesus Christ warned us about the end times in Matthew 24:24: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Christ did not minimize the power of Satan.

When the Antichrist rises upon the world's political scene, the Scripture says he will come "WITH ALL POWER." Christ had ALL POWER in heaven and on earth. Antichrist will have ALL POWER limited to an earthly rule, that is, power over the inhabitants of the earth. Revelation 13:7-8 reads: "And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Satan seeks to deceive the mind of man and take him captive at his will. The central point is that not all signs, miracles and wonders are from heaven. 

The test: do you hear any mention of the Sovereignty of God, blood redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ, the depravity of man and Holy Spirit conviction? This Biblical test will guide you when you encounter ministries acting under the control of Antichrist.

Section 2: Signs of the Coming Antichrist

This study will focus on the thousand-year reign as described in the Bible in Revelation 20: 1-3. The word millennium is not actually used but in theology it is referred to as the Millennium. It will be a time when Satan will be bound, and there will be a time when Christ shall rule without interference.  Try to imagine a time of complete righteousness, peace, and justice. The issue is when will this occur? There are three main views with one having two possibilities. If we are going to understand the signs of the coming Antichrist, we need an understanding of the three approaches.

1. Pre-Millennialism: This approach believes that things will grow worse and worse for society. Unrighteousness will be the order of the day. Classic Pre-Millennialism believes in no rapture and the Lord Jesus Christ will return and set up His kingdom for 1000 years. Dispensationalism Pre-Millennialism believes that things will grow worse in our world leading up to a time of the Rapture of the Church when the Lord Jesus Christ returns part way to the earth and removes the church from the mess the world has become. Then the Antichrist will appear, and a seven-year period will begin called the Great Tribulation. At the end of the seven years, Christ will return all the way to the earth and bind Satan and his evil demons, and a 1000-year reign of peace will begin. This group is overall pessimistic about the future. Things will get worse before the Lord returns.

2. Post-Millennialism: This view is that the church will win the world to Christ and establish peace and righteousness and at the end of the 1000-year reign, Christ will return to set up His kingdom. This group is very optimistic about the future. Things will get better before the Lord returns.

3. Amillennialism: This group believes we are already in the millennium. Christ is ruling heaven and His church below. They do not believe in a literal 1000-year reign. When Christ returns the New Heaven and a New Earth.

The view you adopt will influence how you view the coming of the Antichrist. I am a Dispensationalists Pre-Millennialist. I am very pessimistic about where we are headed. I believe in the Rapture I have done podcasts on why and for brevity's sake, I refer the reader to those podcasts if you want to know my reasons why.  

I John 4: 3 states: "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is in the world." The spirit of antichrist was in the world in the first century, but we are referring to the person of the Antichrist, Satan's son, who will appear once the church has been removed at the Rapture. What are some of the signs of the appearance of the Antichrist:

1. There has been a gradual removal of restraint by the Holy Spirit. Romans 1: 28 speaks of God giving people over to a reprobate mind. That is the time we live in today. Homosexual marriage is endorsed by many churches and denominations. Now, the transexual movement is in full swing. Men thinking they are women and expecting everyone to join in agreement with them. There is only one condition necessary to introduce into a person's life that will bring about a state of reprobation: REMOVAL OF RESTRAINT, or we may say, god's withdrawal of the Holy Spirit in His position of "convincing, reproving and restraining sin, exercising authority of Christ's Lordship, and convicting of judgment."

2. The sin of the age is UNCLEANNESS, which is being uncovered and made public by the wholesale in the degree that the RESTRAINER is withdrawing His retraining power. The truth of God's Word is being exchanged for a lie (Romans 1: 25). Think about how politicians, the news media, "ministers" and people think about traditional Christian values. True Christians are laughed at, mocked, and on some occasions attacked for their beliefs. Murdering abortion clinics when opposed by believers bring threats of violence and violence against those that stand for life. The increase of uncleanness points to the coming of the Antichrist in person, not just his spirit.

3. People have exchanged the glory of God for an image or likeness to corruptible man. Man has been deified and the Sovereignty of God has been marginalized. People have made a "god" in their own image. Man has become supreme. Man decides when and how he will come to God. God waits patiently on the sidelines hoping someone will choose Him. No! This is blasphemy against the LORD God.  This follows the pattern of Satan. They have exchanged the truth of God for the lie of Satan, for Satan said, "I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH." Man fails to acknowledge his depravity, his sin, and his lost condition. Satan has offered a false salvation of decisionism, easy believeism, profession of faith, and baptismal regeneration, speaking in tongues, or saying the sinner's prayer as substitutes for blood redemption, Holy Spirit conviction and the Sovereignty of God. 

4. The increase in LYING WONDERS is a sign of the coming Antichrist. Christians who accept God's Word as it is, believe in the miraculous power of God, because in the miracle to make a depraved sinner into a new creature. It is this underlying principle of Christianity that leads Satan to present signs and false wonders in the form of miracles today to deceive, because their minds are open to the miraculous. The MIRACLES OF SATAN through the Antichrist are primarily to deceive the religious world, and, to do this, have to IMITATE and SUPPLANT the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ, both in kind, purpose, spirit, and bringing about the same result---ATTESTING THE AUTHORITY OF SATAN AS BEING LIKE THE MOST HIGH. Thing about it. There are number of ministries today that exist to demonstrate miracles of healing, the gifts of the Spirit, and the Prophetic movement. Listen to their message? What is it? What is isn't is the truth of blood redemption, Holy Spirit conviction, the depravity of man and the Sovereignty of God.    My friend, are you looking for miracles, for signs, for supernatural phenomena to prove that the experience you have is from God? If so, you don't know Christ. 


1. The Antichrist receives his power from his father Satan, and he will be able to perform "lying wonders."

2.  The restraining power of the Holy Spirit is being gradually removing and therefore we see an increase in people having a reprobate mind. 

3. People are exchanging the truth of God's Word for an image of corruptible man. 

4. We live in an age of uncleanness hat is getting worse every day.

5. False teachers are promoting ministries that focus on false signs and lying wonders instead of blood redemption, Holy Spirit conviction, the depravity of man, and the Sovereignty of God.

6. The time for the appearance of the Antichrist is near.


8-14-2022 Devotion: Feed Your Enemy

 Proverbs 25: 21: "If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink...." Wait, didn't the Lord Jesus Christ say something like this in Matthew 5:44? Yes, He did. New Testament writers quoted the Old Testament frequently. Verse 22 reads: "For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee." This is not about inflicting some type of pain on your enemy but rather doing something kind for your enemy. When metals need to be melted, they are placed in fire. That way they can be remade. In the same way, when you show kindness to your enemy, it may melt their hearts so they will no longer be your enemy. Either way, the LORD will reward you. There is much in the Bible about conflict resolution. I have used these methods for years and they work. That doesn't mean that enemies are always turned into friends, but it does mean that the LORD will reward you for following His Word. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

8-13-2022 Devotion: Fitly Spoken

 Proverbs 25: 11: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." "As we go through the Word of God, we find that certain individuals say in a wonderful way just the right word at the right time. Sometimes it’s a good word. Sometimes it’s a word of rebuke. But the words were necessary, and they were “fitly spoken.” The words fit into the picture. They were the proper thing to say. This is something that most of us ought to pray about: what we should say and at what time. We need to recognize that many times we say the wrong thing at the right time, or sometimes we have the knack of saying the right thing but at the wrong time. And there are times when we probably ought not to open our mouths at all." This is a key to helping those in despair. It is not just saying the right words, but saying them at the correct time. I have learned that some people have a desire to fix things immediately when sometimes the best course is to stay silent for the moment and wait a while. Make sure your words are "fitly" spoken. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

8-12-2022 Devotion: Rejoice Not

 Proverbs 24: 17: "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth...." When you hear that something bad has happened to someone you haven’t really liked very much, don’t you say, “I’m glad that happened to him?” Now, don’t tell me you have never said that, because human nature is like that. If you haven’t said it, you’ve thought it. God says, “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth.” That is not the way to solve the problem. I know from personal experience this can be difficult. I have written and testified before about an attorney and a real estate broker that came against me wrongfully. Their actions cost our family over $100000.00. Neither I nor my family took any steps at the time. What they did caused us to lose part of a government contract. A few years later the attorney and broker were working together on a government contract and they broke some conflict of interest rules. They got caught and were arrested. The attorney received probation but lost his law license and he had to agree to testify against his friend the broker. The broker was convicted of a felony, lost his real estate broker's license and went to a federal prison for approximately one year. When I heard the news, it was difficult not to be exceedingly glad. I had to not be happy about it. I had to not rejoice in their misfortune. I could not think, "they got what was coming to them." In this verse, we may rest assured that the enemy will fall, but we need to guard our emotions and thoughts and stay Biblical. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

8-11-2022 Devotion: Evil Men

 Proverbs 24: 1: "Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them." You and I need to recognize our place in life. It is going to make us happier people if we realize that God has put each of us in our own particular place to fulfill a purpose here on earth that is according to His perfect plan. I look at wicked men who are prosperous, and I don’t understand it. I have told God that I don’t understand it. Don’t you be afraid to tell it to God just as the psalmist did (Psalm 73). The important thing is for you to go on with God, trusting Him to work it all out. We need to learn to look at things from God’s point of view. The Bible is full of instances of wicked men who came to a bad end. It starts with Cain in the Book of Genesis. Even a man like Lot, although he was a saved man, chose to live in the city of Sodom and prospered there, but there came a day when he wished he had not moved to Sodom. It was a sad mistake for him to do that. So if you will go through the Word of God, you will find people who prospered for a time and then see how judgment has come time and time again. This is very important for us to understand. While I may struggle with this verse, I also submit to God's Sovereignty. He does all things perfectly. Trust Him and not your independent thinking. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

8-10-2022 Devotion: A Misunderstood Verse

 Proverbs 23: 7: "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." This is a verse that has been misinterpreted to create the idea that you can change who you are by your thoughts. While how you think is important, that is not the context of this verse. There is a danger in reading a verse in isolation away from the verses around it. In this case, verse 6 states, "Do not eat of a stingy man's food; Do not crave for his dainties.... Verse 8 reads, "The morsel you eat you will vomit; You will waste your courteous words." The meaning is that a dinner with a stingy person is an occasion of hypocrisy on all sides and is nauseating. The person may say to you, "Please eat all you want." However, on the inside he is upset because he is greedy and wants more for himself.  This is another social situation to avoid! Don’t be a guest of a man who has an evil eye, i.e. is greedy and stingy,  someone who begrudges you every bite of the food you eat. It’s what he thinks, not what he says, that counts. For while he is saying, “Help yourself…. Have some more,"  he is actually counting every spoonful you take. The Bible makes so much sense when interpreted correctly!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

8-9-2022 Devotion: Angry People

 Proverbs 22: 24: "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go...." We should choose our friends wisely. While we are to be cordial to all, friends must require a greater scrutiny. This verse is a good caution against being friendly with a man prone to display anger. It is the law of friendship that we accommodate ourselves to our friends and be ready to help them, and therefore we ought to be wise and careful in the choice of a friend, that we come not under the sacred tie to any one whom it would be our folly to accommodate ourselves to. Though we must be civil to all, yet we must be careful whom we allow to get close to us. And, among others, a man who is easily provoked, touchy, and apt to resent affronts, who, when he is in a passion, cares not what he says or does, but grows outrageous, takes an offense at the slightest insult, such a one is not fit to be made a friend or companion, for he will be ever angry with us and that will be our trouble, and he will expect that we should, like him, be angry with others, and that will be our sin.Remember this verse when becoming friends with someone. Be careful who you yoke yourself with.

Monday, August 8, 2022

8-8-2022 Devotion: Train Your Child

 Proverbs 22: 6: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." The literal reading is "in his way" not "in the way." I know people have used this verse for years as a promise that their wayward child will eventually come back to the LORD because they took him to Sunday School when he was young. While I understand the sentiment and hope the verse might bring with that interpretation, it is not the meaning of the text. I must always teach and preach what the text says, not what I want it to say. The text's actual meaning is for the parent to train or educate the child in such a way for the child to manifest God's best expression for his life. This turns the parent into more of a cheerleader, emotional and educational support. That is good parenting. Find out what your child favors and then guide the child to be the best expression of God as he can be. Now Sunday School is good, it is much better for parents to guide their children to be what God wants them to be. What is that expression? It starts with teaching blood redemption and living a sanctified life before your child. Be a good ambassador for the Kingdom.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Antichrist Part 1: The Birth and Character of the Antichrist

 There is a Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There is also an unholy trinity: Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. You can read more about the unholy trinity in Revelation chapters 12 and 13.  Today, I want to bring you a study on the coming world dictator, the Antichrist. I believe this is an appropriate time to bring this study because with the way the world is going, we must be getting close to the Rapture, Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Section 1: The Antichrist's Birth

 First, we will look at his birth. In II Thessalonians 2:3 he is spoken of as he "son of perdition," and in II Thessalonians 2: 9, we find these words, "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." The Antichrist is the son of Satan. He gets his powers from Satan. Revelations 13: 4 states: "And they worshipped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" 

John 8: 44 reads: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." The phrase "When he speaketh a lie," is referring to the Antichrist as the lie. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth and the Antichrist is the lie. We see that Satan is the Antichrist's father, because he said, "For he is a liar, and the father of it."

If Satan is the father, how will the Antichrist be brought into being? The Lord Jesus Christ was born of a woman, and I am of the opinion, so will be the Antichrist. Satan likes to imitate the workings of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he will be born of a woman. In Genesis 6: 2 states: "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." The "sons of God" means "the sons of Elohim," that is the sons by direct creation. The same expression is used in the first chapter of Job, "the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD," which must mean the angels of God. One of the causes of the flood was that the angels cohabited with women and produced a race of giants. "As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." Do not think this too farfetched. We live in a day of increased "spiritism." The practice of "spiritism" reaches into the very heart of many churches. I see videos of people that think they are Christians, but they have given themselves over to demonic spirits. Here is a clip of a woman giving herself over to demonic spirits (try to make it to the 3-minute mark and watch the uncontrollable shaking: (Copy and paste)

Summary of Section 1:

1. There is a Holy Trinity and there is an unholy trinity.

2. Satan is the father of Antichrist.

3. Antichrist will be born of a woman.

4. Antichrist gets his powers from his father Satan.

Section 2: Characteristics of the Antichrist 

The Antichrist will be a world dictator. The following will be some of his characteristics:

1. He will be one of the world's GREATEST ORATORS. Daniel 7:20 states: "Even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows." He will use his words using a mob psychology to produce worldwide compliance. Revelation 13: 5 reads: "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies." The world will hang on every word that he says, and opposition will be put to death.

2.  He will be a very ASTUTE POLITICIAN. Daniel 11: 21 says: "And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." The Antichrist will not come with an army, but he shall come in peace. He will take the kingdom with shrewdness, subtleness, and by craftiness.  He will seek to please by insincere praise and attention. The spirit of Antichrist is in the churches today. Churches today seek not to offend anyone. They flatter people to get them to join their church. The Gospel is offensive because it confronts sin. If you see a church that follows the "seeker sensitive" model in any way, they are operating under the spirit of the Antichrist. 

If you want to know whether your pastor is operating under the Antichrist spirit, ask yourself these questions:

a. Does he flatter new people without a regard to their spiritual state? If so, he is of the Antichrist. 

b. Does he preach man down and Christ up? If he does, he is legitimate. If not, he isn't operating under the Holy Spirit, but rather the Antichrist spirit.

c. Is Christ minimized and humanized while man is elevated, deified and glorified? If so, he is of the Antichrist.

3. He will be a great COMMERCIAL WIZARD. Daniel 8: 25: "And through his policy also he shall cause craft (manufacturing) to prosper in his hand." Further, Daniel 11:38: "But in his estate shall be honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things." Revelation 13: 17, we read: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." We live in a very materialistic world today. A commercial wizard will have an open door into the lives of the unsaved and many (means most) of the churches. Most of the church world today focuses on the material side of life. Think about the prosperity churches and many (means most) of the charismatic churches that are all about your health and wealth. They are the fastest growing churches worldwide. The table is set for the Antichrist to move into position. 

4. He will be a SUCCESSFUL GOVERNOR. Revelation 13: 7 reads: "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." He will be a worldwide ruler over all types of people. He will have the power to put to death every born-again believer. Yes, people will be saved during the tribulation, but it will be very difficult for them. Everyone who gets saved after the rapture will have to seal his testimony with his own blood, and it will be harder to get saved then than it is now. 

5. He will be a great RELIGIOUS LEADER. II Thessalonians 2: 4 states: "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." The world will worship Satan (the dragon) because he gave power to the Antichrist. Revelation 13: 8 says: "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (Antichrist), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

6. He shall be the world's ECONOMIC MESSIAH. He will promise deliverance from tough economic times using flattery, and he will set himself up in the temple, and when he does, he will command the world to worship him, and every individual who will not bow down and worship him will be put to death. Satan from the time he rebelled against God has sought to be worshipped. One day he will realize this ambition through his son the Antichrist. 


In conclusion of Part 1, we are to test the spirits (1 John 4: 1-6) and not believe every spirit. Here is the test for the Antichrist: The Antichrist will not magnify and exalt the Person and work of Christ. Listen to your preaching, listen to your teaching. Do they magnify the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ? Does the church you attend have an Antichrist spirit? If it does, you should lovingly confront leadership with the truth. If they fail to listen, take a witness with you and try again. If they still refuse to listen, shake the dust off your feet and find a Gospel believing church. They are out there but they are in the minority.

Next week: Signs of the Antichrist.

8-7-2022 Devotion: No Argument From Me

 Proverbs 21: 30: "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD." I used to become very alarmed by the errors I heard being taught by men who were supposed to be church leaders. I thought it was my duty to sort of ring the fire bell every morning to defend the Word of God. Then this verse came to my attention and it changed me. “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.” I began to realize that God is able to defend Himself, and He is able to defend His Word. “We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” That doesn't mean I don't confront error, but it is not my job to defend God. I have been present when I have heard well meaning "Christians" try to explain away God's Sovereignty by apologizing for events occurring to one they were trying to save (in their own power). Now, I speak the truth from the Word of God and stop. I don't defend God (He doesn't need my help) and I don't try to win an argument.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

8-6-2022 Devotion: Turning

 Proverbs 21: 1: "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will." A man may be a pharaoh in Egypt, a king of Babylon, a caesar of Rome, an Alexander the Great, a Napoleon, a Joe Stalin, an Adolph Hitler, or any great ruler of the future. Regardless of how powerful a man may become politically, it can be stated as an axiom that no man can act in independence of God. Many of these rulers thought they could, and men today may still think they can. But the truth is that no man is free from God. No man can act independently. We have a Declaration of Independence in this country. Right now it is being used to declare our independence from God. We believe in liberty; so we’ve declared we are free from God! However, we are not free from God. We cannot act independently. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD,” and God is going to turn him just as He turns the course of a little babbling brook that runs down a mountainside. “As the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” No king nor ruler nor any individual can act independently of God. The verse supports the Sovereignty of God over all people including political leaders. It is a comfort to know that God is in charge even over leaders we feel are godless and opposed to the gospel message. Trust in His Sovereignty not what you see or hear.

Friday, August 5, 2022

8-5-2022 Devotion: Your spirit

 Proverbs 20: 27: "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly."  God provides everyone with a spirit that can evaluate actions and motives. I call this your conscience. The Hebrew literally says that the "breath" is the lamp of the Lord. The "breath" (or "spirit") is that inner spiritual part of human life that was inbreathed at Creation and that constitutes humans as spiritual beings with moral, intellectual, and spiritual capacities. This spiritual nature includes the capacity to know and please God—it serves as the functioning conscience (the metaphor of "lamp"). As a general rule, we know whether something is the right thing to do or not. A good test is whether you feel you must hide something. If you have to hide it, it most likely should be avoided. This point is further developed in the second part; the searching makes it possible for people to know themselves. If one's spiritual life is functioning properly (i.e., yielded to God through salvation and controlled by his word, then there should be increasingly less self-deception or indifference to righteousness. If you know the right thing to do, then do it!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

8-4-2022 Devotion: Power in the Tongue

 Proverbs 18:21: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Speech can do good or harm. The person who is fond of talk should note which way its effects go. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”—think of that! Your tongue can be used to give out the gospel, and this will give life. It can also be used to say things that would drive people away from God, which makes it an instrument of death. The little tongue is the most potent weapon in this world. The Bible has much to say about the tongue, and we find a lot about it in the Book of Proverbs. This is a true Biblical principle, but don't go off into a ditch. Some charismatic prosperity heretics teach that you can create with your words. Yes, you can create love or dislike, but you can't create in the physical realm. This is a spiritual law, not a gimmick to make money. Know the difference and the verse will make sense to you. Guard your mouth, i.e., your words. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

8-3-2022 Devotion: Gossip

 Proverbs 18: 8: "The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." It is part of our sinful human nature to have an appetite for gossip. “The words of a talebearer” or the words of a whisperer are as dainty morsels that go down into the depth of the soul. We are back again to the subject of the fool. Remember that the Lord Jesus has told us that we are not to call anyone a fool. However, God calls some people fools because He knows them We find again that the fool is a source of trouble. He is the one who is always stirring up contention, issuing complaints, finding fault. We can give another fitting modern proverb: “Be considerate. Most people know how to express a complaint, but few utter a gracious compliment. The bee is seldom complimented for making honey; it is just criticized for stinging.” How true! If you have worked around gossip, you know how miserable it can be. There are some people who are not satisfied unless they can stir trouble and drama. It is so easy to allow the "dainty morsels" to get down into your heart. Be on the lookout and avoid gossip at all costs. If you are listening to someone talk about someone else, ask yourself, would the person speaking say this if the person they are talking about was around? If not, disengage and depart. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

8-2-2022 Devotion: Be Wise

 Proverbs 17: 15: "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth just, even they both are abomination to the LORD." The LORD hates it when the guilty are acquitted and the innocent are condemned. This is a warning to those that have to make decisions about conflict resolution. This is not just for judges and lawyers, but for everyone, business people, teachers, friends, anyone that is making a decision between two or more people that have a conflict.We are required to do the right thing even if there are consequences for our actions. We want to be honest in all our dealings, even if it "puts us in hot water." Anytime in Scripture we read that an action is an abomination to the LORD, we need to underline it and pay special attention. We never want to do anything before our LORD that He would consider an abomination. We want to live better than that. Be wise in your decision making.

Monday, August 1, 2022

8-1-2022 Devotion: Evil for Good

 Proverbs 17: 13: "Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house." This is a Biblical principle. If someone is kind and good to someone and that person responds with evil, there will be continual strife and conflict. David caused the death of Uriah to cover his sin with Bathsheba. David lived a life of war. Conflict never left his house. He had returned evil for good. We should look at this in two ways. First, we want to guard ourselves to make sure we never return evil for good. Second, if someone returns evil to us for the good we have done, we want to forgive and not take vengeance ourselves. I have lived this. A few years ago an attorney and a real estate broker sought to do me harm financially. It worked. It caused me to lose a lot of money. I took no revenge. Years passed by and the scheme that the attorney and broker sought to injure me "came home to roost." The attorney lost his law license and the broker went to prison. These Biblical principles are real. My saying is that "they have teeth." Be careful never to repay evil for good.