Monday, August 1, 2022

8-1-2022 Devotion: Evil for Good

 Proverbs 17: 13: "Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house." This is a Biblical principle. If someone is kind and good to someone and that person responds with evil, there will be continual strife and conflict. David caused the death of Uriah to cover his sin with Bathsheba. David lived a life of war. Conflict never left his house. He had returned evil for good. We should look at this in two ways. First, we want to guard ourselves to make sure we never return evil for good. Second, if someone returns evil to us for the good we have done, we want to forgive and not take vengeance ourselves. I have lived this. A few years ago an attorney and a real estate broker sought to do me harm financially. It worked. It caused me to lose a lot of money. I took no revenge. Years passed by and the scheme that the attorney and broker sought to injure me "came home to roost." The attorney lost his law license and the broker went to prison. These Biblical principles are real. My saying is that "they have teeth." Be careful never to repay evil for good.

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