Sunday, August 21, 2022

8-21-2022 Devotion: Don’t Cover

 Proverbs 28: 13: "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." The orderliness and well-being in one’s life is linked to an intensely personal relationship with God. Unconfessed sin is the ultimate disorder in life. Confession and repentance lead to a restoration of a right relationship with God, based on His mercy. All other relationships depend on this, family and friends included.  It seems a common practice today for American Christians to try to cover their sins. You will find in the average church that there is a Band-Aid of silence wrapped over the cancer of sin. Pastors don't talk about sin much and hell rarely and if so it comes with an apology for bringing the subject up. People don’t like to talk about it; in fact, they don’t admit its existence. They like to think they are very good. But we are told here, “But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” This does not necessarily refer to a public confession of sin; confession is between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. Trying to appear sinless before your little group of friends is a big mistake. If you confess and forsake your sin, you shall have mercy. How wonderful is that truth!

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