Wednesday, August 17, 2022

8-17-2022 Devotion: Gossip

 Proverbs 26: 20: "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer (literally, whisperer), the strife ceaseth." I have had the misfortune to see this truth many times in the business and church world. Just as the fire goes out without the fuel of the wood, so will strife when the whispering and gossip goes out. I once recall a situation in our office where the gossipping had gotten so bad that I had to call a meeting of the staff and issue a stern warning. A few days later the situation had actually gotten worse. I called a second meeting and issued a second warning that I was going to put an end to the talebearing. It would either stop by their stopping or people would be let go. It seemed like such a reasonable request, but the whisperers would not stop. The COVID pandemic forced people to work from home, but it continued. Regrettably, it was not until the two offenders were let go that peace and tranquility returned. I am reminded of the preacher who had a woman come into his office and she wanted to cut six inches off his neck tie. He allowed her to, but before she left he said he wanted to cut four inches off her gossipping tongue! Wherever you find contention and strife, remember this verse and remove the whisperers and you will be glad you did. This is a Biblical law.

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