Friday, August 19, 2022

8-19-2022 Devotion: Iron

 Proverbs 27: 17: "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." It is a wonderful thing to have a friend with whom you can sharpen your mind. You can discuss certain things with him with real profit. I used to have such a friend, and we could sit down and talk about spiritual matters. I always came away strengthened, and I always had learned something more about myself. It is wonderful to have a friend like that. I have known other people that use this verse to try and aggravate me. After posing some ridiculous proposition not worthy of a discussion, he would respond, "Well, iron sharpens iron." My response would be, "Only among friends." My recommendation for the principle found in this verse is to try and locate someone who is a friend and a believer, and have candid discussions with them about the Word, faith and about being a disciple in the 21st Century. If the discussion helps you grow as a believer, then you have a true friend. Training your mind is like lifting weights, if you don't exercise it, it will become soft. Lift a book and read it!

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