Saturday, August 27, 2022

8-27-2022 Devotion: Looking

 Proverbs 31: 10: "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." “Virtuous” here means a woman of character, a woman of strength, a woman of real ability. She is not to be a shrinking violet. She is not to be like Whistler’s mother, always sitting in a rocking chair. (A whimsical story is told that Whistler painted another picture of his mother, because he came in one day and found her sitting on the floor and said to her, “Mother, you’re off your rocker”) I don’t think you will find many mothers sitting in rocking chairs. They are busy. This is a picture of a busy mother. The point here is that a virtuous woman may be difficult to find, but they are out there. This can be looked at from two perspectives. First, the man is looking for a special woman to be his wife, someone he can be proud of and rejoice that she is married to him. Second, from the woman's perspective, she wants to be the type of woman that is strong, has character, and real ability. All these traits are found in the person who makes the Word of God the rule and practice for their life. So, what is guiding you?

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