Friday, August 26, 2022

8-26-2022 Devotion: Awakened

 Proverbs 30: 12: "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness." There are some church members who are like that. They are pure in their own eyes. They feel that they don’t need to repent of their wickedness. They are just religious. I call them unsaved religionists. Also there are people who are high up in business and politics who feel that they are pure—they are not guilty of wrongdoing. In today's culture, we have the idea of wokeness. If you don't follow their liberal agenda (which is actually a codification of Romans 1), they will cancel you, attack you, and try everything to destroy you. They believe they have the high road and are morally superior. They are not! They are lost souls headed to a devil's hell. The only wokeness I ascribe to is the awakening a sinner feels when the Holy Spirit convicts the soul of sin. Don't be woke, be awakened!

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