Saturday, August 13, 2022

8-13-2022 Devotion: Fitly Spoken

 Proverbs 25: 11: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." "As we go through the Word of God, we find that certain individuals say in a wonderful way just the right word at the right time. Sometimes it’s a good word. Sometimes it’s a word of rebuke. But the words were necessary, and they were “fitly spoken.” The words fit into the picture. They were the proper thing to say. This is something that most of us ought to pray about: what we should say and at what time. We need to recognize that many times we say the wrong thing at the right time, or sometimes we have the knack of saying the right thing but at the wrong time. And there are times when we probably ought not to open our mouths at all." This is a key to helping those in despair. It is not just saying the right words, but saying them at the correct time. I have learned that some people have a desire to fix things immediately when sometimes the best course is to stay silent for the moment and wait a while. Make sure your words are "fitly" spoken. 

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