Tuesday, August 23, 2022

8-23-2022 Devotion: Stand For Righteousness

 Proverbs 29: 2: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." We’ve seen before that when the wicked are in power, they never solve the problem, but one righteous man is able to bring blessing to a nation. That is what we need in this nation of ours above everything else. We don’t need men who say they have solutions for every problem. No one has the solutions for the problems of this world, and if anyone says he does, he must say it with his tongue in his cheek. What we need today are righteous men who will stand for the right at any price. I believe just one such man is better than a whole party, regardless of what party it might be. If you look around you will see the effects of wicked people in power. Do you remember the anger when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade? People screaming they want to kill babies. They are sick and hell-bound. Think about the institution of marriage. Marriage has a Biblical foundation and it is between one man and one woman. Look at the economic condition of our country. We see evidence of this verse being true every day. Let us look forward to the day when once again the righteous will be in authority.

When the wicked rule, everyone suffers. Incidentally, for whom did you vote?

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