Thursday, August 18, 2022

8-18-2022 Devotion: Faithful Words

 Proverbs 27: 6:"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." It may be difficult to accept, but the suggestions of a true friend designed to help you are far greater than the affection from an enemy. Paul rebuked Simon Peter when he withdrew from eating with the Gentiles. Peter needed that rebuke, and he accepted it from Paul. There was no ill feeling between them. Now the contrasting thought is, of course, exemplified in Judas who betrayed Jesus with a kiss. We should be thankful for friends that care enough and are willing to risk our offense, when they correct some behavior of ours. We are to be on guard when those who have shown a consistent pattern of ill will towards us when they show signs of affection. You may very well have a "Judas" on your hands. Accept criticism from a friend not an enemy.

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