Wednesday, August 31, 2022

8-31-2022 Devotion: Plotting

 Psalm 2: 1: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine (meditate) a vain thing?" Why do the heathen (Gentiles) rage, and the people (Jews) imagine a vain thing? The word vain here means “empty.” The lost are always plotting evil and wickedness against our Lord Jesus Christ and His church. The heathen are without God and don’t want to be told by Him how to live. Everyday I pray and acknowledge God's Sovereignty and Providential rule over my life. As I write this in the evening, I am reflecting on the challenging day I had today in the business world. The day started so well with two opportunities to minister to people I care about. However, from there, I was forced to deal with people that were plotting to do things that were not productive but were destructive. So while I didn't like to deal with the problems, I took solace that God was still in control. No matter what happens in life, I know God is in control, regardless of the circumstances. I can face the raging of the heathen and their plotting emptiness when I remember Who is in charge.

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