Wednesday, August 3, 2022

8-3-2022 Devotion: Gossip

 Proverbs 18: 8: "The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly." It is part of our sinful human nature to have an appetite for gossip. “The words of a talebearer” or the words of a whisperer are as dainty morsels that go down into the depth of the soul. We are back again to the subject of the fool. Remember that the Lord Jesus has told us that we are not to call anyone a fool. However, God calls some people fools because He knows them We find again that the fool is a source of trouble. He is the one who is always stirring up contention, issuing complaints, finding fault. We can give another fitting modern proverb: “Be considerate. Most people know how to express a complaint, but few utter a gracious compliment. The bee is seldom complimented for making honey; it is just criticized for stinging.” How true! If you have worked around gossip, you know how miserable it can be. There are some people who are not satisfied unless they can stir trouble and drama. It is so easy to allow the "dainty morsels" to get down into your heart. Be on the lookout and avoid gossip at all costs. If you are listening to someone talk about someone else, ask yourself, would the person speaking say this if the person they are talking about was around? If not, disengage and depart. 

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