Monday, August 22, 2022

8-22-2022 Devotion: Get Rich Quick

 Proverbs 28: 20: "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." Faith and wisdom may lead to riches, but to give priority to riches is a serious error. A faithful man here is one who is honest and who does not covet great wealth. He will be richly blessed. The man who seeks to enrich himself quickly by unscrupulous means will be punished. Over the years I have seen many people that don't want to work hard, but instead, are always looking for the "get rich quick scheme." It doesn't work that way. My wife and I have a successful real estate brokerage. People see the success, but what they don't see are the years of hard work, lack of finances, and stress that comes when you are lacking the resources to live. People don't see the days when we were not sure where our next meal was coming from. Yet, in the midst of poverty, we learned to be faithful in giving to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We lived this verse by continuing to persevere, trusting in the Lord, and remaining faithful. Focus on being faithful, success will come.

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