Friday, August 12, 2022

8-12-2022 Devotion: Rejoice Not

 Proverbs 24: 17: "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth...." When you hear that something bad has happened to someone you haven’t really liked very much, don’t you say, “I’m glad that happened to him?” Now, don’t tell me you have never said that, because human nature is like that. If you haven’t said it, you’ve thought it. God says, “Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth.” That is not the way to solve the problem. I know from personal experience this can be difficult. I have written and testified before about an attorney and a real estate broker that came against me wrongfully. Their actions cost our family over $100000.00. Neither I nor my family took any steps at the time. What they did caused us to lose part of a government contract. A few years later the attorney and broker were working together on a government contract and they broke some conflict of interest rules. They got caught and were arrested. The attorney received probation but lost his law license and he had to agree to testify against his friend the broker. The broker was convicted of a felony, lost his real estate broker's license and went to a federal prison for approximately one year. When I heard the news, it was difficult not to be exceedingly glad. I had to not be happy about it. I had to not rejoice in their misfortune. I could not think, "they got what was coming to them." In this verse, we may rest assured that the enemy will fall, but we need to guard our emotions and thoughts and stay Biblical. 

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