Tuesday, August 9, 2022

8-9-2022 Devotion: Angry People

 Proverbs 22: 24: "Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go...." We should choose our friends wisely. While we are to be cordial to all, friends must require a greater scrutiny. This verse is a good caution against being friendly with a man prone to display anger. It is the law of friendship that we accommodate ourselves to our friends and be ready to help them, and therefore we ought to be wise and careful in the choice of a friend, that we come not under the sacred tie to any one whom it would be our folly to accommodate ourselves to. Though we must be civil to all, yet we must be careful whom we allow to get close to us. And, among others, a man who is easily provoked, touchy, and apt to resent affronts, who, when he is in a passion, cares not what he says or does, but grows outrageous, takes an offense at the slightest insult, such a one is not fit to be made a friend or companion, for he will be ever angry with us and that will be our trouble, and he will expect that we should, like him, be angry with others, and that will be our sin.Remember this verse when becoming friends with someone. Be careful who you yoke yourself with.

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