Saturday, August 20, 2022

8-20-2022 Devotion: A Daily Practice

 Proverbs 28: 1: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." A guilty conscience imagines accusers everywhere, while a clear conscience has boldness to face everyone. Sin, regardless of the viewpoint of men toward it, puts a person into a state of continual fear and self-condemnation. If a man is not guilty, he can stand up and speak out. If his own mind is free from guilt, he is not afraid of the thoughts and minds of other men. This is one reason why we need to live in a continual (daily) state of repentance and asking forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ. No matter how well I live my life today, I will fall short of the absolute perfection required by our Lord. That is why I stand amazed at how God could love humans the way He does. Every day I marvel at His grace and mercy. Since I live in a state of seeking forgiveness, I can stand as bold as a lion. Don't fear man. That's why our Lord included this in the "Lord's Prayer:" "Forgive us our tresspasses." Make it a daily practice.

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