Sunday, September 11, 2022

9-11-2022 Devotion: Intervention

 Psalm 9: 1: "I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works." The Hebrew word refers to the great acts of God, His intervention in human affairs, as at the Exodus from Egypt. God intervened in Egypt to bring the children of Israel out of bondage so that they might be a free nation and grow. In the book of Esther, God prevented all the children of Israel from being destroyed. In the book of Malachi, God used the prophet to warn them against destruction and being assimilated into the heathen cultures. (Malachi 3:6) Why is this important? It is important because if God had not intervened to protect Israel, there would have been no descendants of the Jews left from the Messiah to come from. I think Satan's plan was to kill all the Jews so the Lord Jesus Christ could not come to save His people. Yes, God has been intervening into the affairs of men since the beginning to bring about His perfect plan of redemption. If He can do all that, He is well able to help us today to get through our problems. Think about it!

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