Thursday, September 22, 2022

9-22-2022 Devotion: Trap

 Psalm 17: 4: "Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer." The “destroyer” is none other than Satan. Because of his presence in the world, every child of God should be alert. David was in enemy territory, and he was aware of that when he was hiding from Saul. And we are in enemy territory—the earth is Satan’s domain. To the church in Pergamos the Lord said, “I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat [Satan’s throne] is …” (Rev. 2:13). I don’t know where you live today, but some of us think that Satan’s throne is very close to several cities that are known for their sinful practices and how some cities actually promote themselves as a sin capital. Our Lord didn’t fall into Satan’s trap and we must strive to resist the devil so that we, through God's grace, will not fall either. The psalmist acknowledges God's Words have kept him from being destroyed. I have seen over the years that when a person neglects or doubts God's Words in the Bible, it is a sure recipe for destruction. Stay in the Word.

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