Friday, September 16, 2022

9-16-2022 Devotion: Help

 Psalm 12: 1: "Help (Literally "save), LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men." The psalmist believed that the godly people had disappeared. It is easy to develop this type of complex today and say, “I am the only one left. I am the only one standing for God today.” Many people develop that complex. It is not accurate, but it can happen when you see godlessness on every hand.When you look around, it seems that David the psalmist was living today. People who claim to be Christians endorse all types of sinful behavior in our society today. They do it in the name of love (see the devotion from 9-8-2022 on Wrath for more on that subject). My opinion is that there will be no more great revivals in our land, at least true revivals. There will be plenty of conferences where you can learn to "prophesy", activate spiritual gifts, and cultivate your best life. Those people are examples of Matthew 7: 21-23, where our Lord will say I never knew you. I do believe you will see one saved here and one there getting to Christ, but not in masses. If you are among God's elect, stand strong and make your calling and election sure. He will see you through as you walk in obedience to Him.

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