Wednesday, September 14, 2022

9-14-2022 Devotion: Breaking an Arm

 Psalm 10:15: "Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none."" Break thou the arm" is a request for God to destroy the strength that allows them to oppress others. The psalmist is confident in the answer to his prayer because of God’s righteous reign. I wrote a few devotions ago about God the boxer. In this verse, we learn about God the Jiu Jitsu expert. In Jiu Jitsu you put the attacker into a position that if he moves or continues to struggle, his joint might break. Having practiced the art for over 25 years, I know what happens when I put someone in a lock like this. At that moment, they are powerless to fight against you. They can talk to you but not hurt you. The verse makes complete sense to me. The psalmist is calling out to God to stop the wicked and evil man who seeks to do harm to the righteous. Our God is able and will "break the arm" if He has to to stop the attacks. This gives me emotional relief because if God does break the arm, it is going to hurt!

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