Sunday, September 18, 2022

9-18-2022 Devotion: Drawing Close

 Psalm 13: 1: "How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? Forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?" When difficulties strike, emotions such as doubt, fear and pain often overwhelm us. David reminds us that since God promises to resolve difficult matters with his gracious justice, we have a right to call on him to act. Painful times should lead us to, not away from, prayer, even if our words sound harsh and angry. I think there are times that we all feel a sense of despair when we face challenging times. It is those moments that we should remember the following: (1) Nothing happens to me outside the Sovereign will of God; (2) When challenging times come, we are to draw closer to our LORD in prayer and faith in Him Who has been so faithful over the years; and (3) God loves His children and whatever we are dealing with is designed to bring glory to His Name. So you, see, He hasn't forgotten about you.

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