Tuesday, September 27, 2022

9-27-2022 Devotion: Trembling

 We continue our study of some devotional writings from Andrew A Bonar. Bonar (1810-1882) was a minister in the United Kingdom. His devotional writings are very special to me. "Christ is not censorious (one who blames, condemns, or is overly critical). He comes to see if He can find just a grain of faith in your heart, and that pleases Him well."  "There was a defect in the faith of many who came to Christ to be healed. But it was not the strength of their faith Christ looked to, but the reality of it; and they got the cure., though the hand that touched Him trembled." We often overlook the fact that our Savior is a gentle loving Lord. He knows when we struggle with faith. He asks us to look at Him even if our knees are knocking. He will take that mustard seed faith and bring about His perfect will. Remember, it is not your power that makes things happen, but His. Don't fall into the heretical trap of the Word of Faith/Prosperity teachers that preach that man is in charge. You aren't. He is! Trembling is fine.

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