Tuesday, September 20, 2022

9-20-2022 Devotion: Abiding

 Psalm 15: 1: "LORD, who shall abide (live) in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" The answer to this important question is found in verses 2-5:  Those that (1)  walk blameless; (2) do righteousness; (3) speak the truth; (4) utter no slander; (5) do no wrong to their neighbor; (6) do not slur others; (7) despise a vile person but honors those that fear the LORD; (8) keep an oath even to his own disadvantage; (9) lend to the poor with no interest; and (10) and takes no bribe against the innocent. The Word of God leaves nothing to guess about. It makes clear what is required of us. However, you must remember you are incapable of doing these things without the grace of God being applied to your heart by the Holy Spirit. When that happens, the requirements listed above are not difficult. LORD, have mercy on us and send your grace to our hearts!

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