Wednesday, September 28, 2022

9-28-2022 Devotion: Praise

 We continue our study of some devotional writings from Andrew A Bonar. Bonar (1810-1882) was a minister in the United Kingdom. His devotional writings are very special to me. Today, we look at praise and thanksgiving. "We should be always wearing the garment of praise, not just waving a palm now and then!" "Thanksgiving is the very air of heaven." "When we have real confidence in exercise it will manifest itself either in prayer or in song, oftenest in prayer. In heaven it manifests itself in song." 1 Chronicles 16: 8 reads: "Give thanks unto the LORD." Bonar had it right. Praise wasn't just a show or entertainment. Rather, praise and thanksgiving is like air which we need to live. As we breathe thanksgiving and praise for our LORD, you can have confidence to face the challenges of the day. Take some time to pray and praise. I find when I do both, whatever that was troubling me doesn't seem to be as formidable as it was before.

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