Saturday, September 24, 2022

9-24-2022 Devotion: Grace

 We have been in the book of Psalms for a few weeks. We will be taking a break from the Psalms and instead study some devotional writings from Andrew A Bonar. Bonar (1810-1882) was a minister in the United Kingdom. His devotional writings are very special to me. I hope you will enjoy our review of some of them. Read a few: "Divine grace pays everything and gives us the benefit of all." "We are asked to accept this salvation, to let this love into our heart, without shedding a tear, except it be a tear of love and gratitude." "As many as receive Christ, God receives them." "The Lord is so anxious to bless you that He will reward you for believing on Him. He will reward you for having confidence in Him. He will reward you for coming to drink of the living water." "The work of Christ is the open door for the sinner, but Christ Himself stands behind, waiting to welcome him." For many years I labored under the mistaken position that one could be born again one day and unborn the next. That one could be a child of God one day and not the next. I was preaching a revival one day and I was informed that this one person got saved for the 7th time. This is madness. Salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9), and He will preserve those that walk-in obedience to Him. His Divine grace will keep you if you really are a new creation in Christ. That is a comfort to me.

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